We constructs the functional innovative supramolecular materials in the project
Tough polymeric materials with long lifetime are widely required in various manufacturing industries and healthcare applications. This project encourages to make extremely tough materials with self-healing ability, in which non-covalent reversible bonds between the polymer chains disperse the stress and strain applied to the polymer network. These materials will contribute to achieve the smaller products with lower weight to save natural resources. Moreover, the reliability and safety of the products will be enhanced. The non-covalent bonds like host-guest interactions are also applicable for the construction of functional materials like external-stimuli responsive actuators. On the basis of these molecular design, we constructs the functional innovative supramolecular materials in the project.
To achieve tough polymeric materials, we enhance the reliability and safety of the products and contribute to save natural resources.
The self-healing materials enable products with the longer lifetime.
The polymeric materials responding to external-stimuli like light contribute to the actuator with higher energy efficiency.
Research progress
The host-guest interactions were introduced to the polymer network
Cyclic host molecule, cyclodextrin, includes various guest molecules in its cavity. We have introduced the host-guest interaction to the polymeric materials as cross-linking points, obtaining the highly flexible and tough materials. The reversible host-guest interaction has also enabled to make self-healing materials. Additionally, the light-driven polymeric actuators have been reported, where the host-guest interactions were introduced to the polymer network.

Further development
We are trying to create polymeric materials enhancing the quality of the human society
The knowledge concerning these polymeric materials with non-covalent bonds will enable various conventional polymers to attain the toughness and the long lifetime. New functions are also applicable for the conventional materials by using the non-covalent bonds such as the host-guest interactions. In this project, we are trying to create polymeric materials enhancing the quality of the human society.