Project Research Center for Fundamental SciencesProject Research Center for Fundamental Sciences

Education and Research Exchange Building, School of Science Building J /A place to meet with new discoveries

A new base that gives birth to “cross-sectoral research”, “integration of arts and sciences”, and “industry-university co-creation”

Nambu Yoichiro Hall
Nambu Yoichiro Hall

Nambu Yoichiro Hall is named in honor of the achievements of Yoichiro Nambu, distinguished professor of Osaka University and 2008 Nobel Prize laureate in Physics who passed away in July 2015. The hall, which is on the second floor of the School of Science Building J (the Education and Research Exchange Building), has 142 fixed seats in a fan-shaped array and a blackboard on its podium that is appropriate for science graduate school studies. With the sliding partition bordering the contiguous “Session Area” opened and movable seats in place, it seats up to 250 participants. The Session Area also accommodates poster sessions and other gatherings. The “Collaboration Space” just outside the hall is for meetings, gatherings, and interchange in smaller numbers. The salon has on display articles left by Prof. Nambu and poster descriptions of the graduate school. The building is intended to function as a place for communicating to society the knowledge developed at the Graduate School of Science, for interchange that goes beyond the confines of fields, for generating opportunities for co-creation with industry, and for cultivating the professionals needed to move forward to the next generation of basic science.

Completion ceremony
Completion ceremony
Collaboration Space
Collaboration Space
Session Area (partition open)
Session Area (partition open)