Project Research Center for Fundamental SciencesProject Research Center for Fundamental Sciences

Education and Research Exchange Building, School of Science Building J /A place to meet with new discoveries

A new base that gives birth to “cross-sectoral research”, “integration of arts and sciences”, and “industry-university co-creation”

Open Laboratory
Open Laboratory
The School of Science Building J contains 12 open laboratories (five 100 m2, two 75 m2, and five 50 m2) on floors 1, 4, and 5. The mass spectrometer and other large equipment are on the 1st floor, the physics and biological laboratories are on the 4th, and the chemical laboratory is on the 5th. The 4th and 5th floors incorporate the frame system jointly developed by Osaka University and Sanshin Metal Working Co., Ltd. to prevent equipment upset and damage during earthquakes, together with measures needed to maintain a safe and secure research environment.