

  1. Improved ion detection sensitivity in mass spectrometry imaging using tapping-mode scanning probe electrospray ionization to visualize localized lipids in mouse testes: Yoichi Otsuka, Maki Okada, Tomomi Hashidate-Yoshida, Katsuyuki Nagata, Makoto Yamada, Motohito Goto, Mengze Sun, Hideo Shindou, Michisato Toyoda, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 417 (2025), 275–286.
  2. Impact of spin-coating temperature on Pb-based mixed ion perovskite film morphology and their solar cell performance: Wakana Matsuda, Keishiro Goshima, Insub Noh, Hyung Do Kim, Ai Shimazaki, Richard Murdey, Michisato Toyoda, Atsushi Wakamiya, Hideo Ohkita, Shu Seki, Yasuhiro Tachibana, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 8 (2025), 1437−1445.


  1. A Method for High Throughput Free Fatty Acids Determination in a Small Section of Bovine Liver Tissue Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction Combined with Supercritical Fluid Chromatography-Medium Vacuum Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Toshinobu Hondo, Yumi Miyake, Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 13 (2024), A0141.
  2. Spatial extension of the transient gain drop in a microchannel plate for a single-pulse irradiation: Hiroshi Kobayashi, Toshinobu Hondo, Yasuo Kanematsu, Motohiro Suyama, Michisato Toyoda, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 1063 (2024), 169301.
  3. Probe Oscillation Control in Tapping-mode Scanning Probe Electrospray Ionization for Stabilization of Mass Spectrometry Imaging: Mengze Sun, Yoichi Otsuka, Maki Okada, Shuichi Shimma and Michisato Toyoda, Analyst, 149 (2024), 4011-4019.
  4. Rapid analysis for α-tocopherol and its oxidative products in the Pisum sativum L. leaf using supercritical fluid chromatography-medium vacuum chemical ionization tandem mass spectrometry: Toshinobu Hondo, Yumi Miyake, Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 13 (2024), A153.


  1. Distinct diurnal chemical compositions and formation processes of individual organic-containing particles in Beijing winter: Tao Ma, Hiroshi Furutani, Fengkui Duan, Takashi Kimoto, Yongliang Ma, Lidan Zhu, Tao Huang, Michisato Toyoda, Kebin He, Environmental Pollution, 318 (2023), 120846.
  2. Uranium–Lead Systematics of Lunar Basaltic Meteorite Northwest Africa 2977: Narumi Moromoto, Yosuke Kawai , Kentaro Terada, Masaaki Miyahara, Naoto Takahata, Yuji Sano, Naoko Fujikawa, Mahesh Anand, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 12 (2023), A0115.
  3. Solvent Effects of N, N-dimethylformamide and Methanol on Mass Spectrometry Imaging by Tapping-mode Scanning Probe Electrospray Ionization: Yoichi Otsuka, Nijiho Ote, Mengze Sun, Shuichi Shimma, Osamu Urakawa, Tomoya Kudo, Shinichi Yamaguchi, Michisato Toyoda, Analyst, 148 (2023), 1275.
  4. Real-Time Single-Particle Characteristics and Aging of Cooking Aerosols in Urban Beijing: Tao Ma, Hiroshi Furutani, Fengkui Duan*, Yongliang Ma, Michisato Toyoda, Takashi Kimoto, Tao Huang and Kebin He, Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 10 (2023), 404−409.
  5. Aeromicelle – A New Form of Liquid Aerosol for Delivering Aqueous Samples into a Single-Particle Mass Spectrometer: Hiroshi Furutani, Kana Kato, Teruo Hinoue, Takashi Kimoto, Michisato Toyoda, Talanta, 260 (2023), 124616.
  6. Evaluation of transient gain-drop and following recovery property on microchannel plate: Comparison between two evaluation methods: Hiroshi Kobayashi, Toshinobu Hondo, Yasuo Kanematsu, Motohiro Suyama, Michisato Toyoda, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 1053 (2023), 168355.
  7. Estimation of the Spatial Extent of the Transient Gain Drop in a Microchannel Plate: Hiroshi Kobayashi, Toshinobu Hondo, Yasuo Kanematsu, Motohiro Suyama, Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 12 (2023), A0134.


  1. Microscale supercritical fluid extraction combined with supercritical fluid chromatography and proton-transfer-reaction ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry for a magnitude lower limit of quantitation of lipophilic compounds: Toshinobu Hondo, Chihiro Ota, Yumi Miyake, Hiroshi Furutani, Michisato Toyoda, Journal of Chromatography A, 1682 (2022), 463495.
  2. 生体組織の細胞情報を可視化する質量分析イメージングの進展: 大塚洋一, Proteome Letters, 7 (2022), 53-62.
  3. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) Mass Spectrometry Imaging of L-4-phenylalanineboronic acid (BPA) in a Rat Brain Tumor Model for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT): Yumi Miyake, Sachie Kusaka, Isao Murata and Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 11 (2022), A0105.
  4. Space and Time Coherent Mapping for Subcellular Resolution of Imaging: Jun Aoki, Masako Isokawa, Michisato Toyoda, Cells, 11 (2022), 3382.
  5. Rapid analysis of α-tocopherol and its oxidation products using supercritical carbon dioxide and proton transfer reaction ionization mass spectrometry: Chihiro Ota, Toshinobu Hondo, Yumi Miyake, Hiroshi Furutani, *Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 11 (2022), A0108.
  6. Attempts to Detect Lipid Metabolites from a Single Cell Using Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Micro-Scale Supercritical Fluid Extraction: A Preliminary Study: Toshinobu Hondo, Chihiro Ota, Kohta Nakatani, Yumi Miyake, Hiroshi Furutani, Takeshi Bamba, Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 11 (2022), A0112.
  7. ピコリットルの液体で調べる生体組織の多次元化学分布情報; 大塚洋一, 生産と技術, 74 (4) (2022), 76-80.


  1. Evaluation of microchannel plate gain drops caused by high ion fluxes in time-of-flight mass spectrometry: A novel evaluation method using a multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer: Hiroshi Kobayashi, Toshinobu Hondo, Michisato Toyoda, J. Mass Spectrom., 56 (2021), e4706.
  2. Gas chromatography/miniaturized time-of-flight mass spectrometry technique for high-throughput quantitative on-site field analysis: Toshinobu Hondo, Noriko Nakayama, Michisato Toyoda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 463 (2021), 116555.
  3. Analysis of nonvolatile molecules in supercritical carbon dioxide using proton-transfer-reaction ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry: Toshinobu Hondo, Chihiro Ota, Yumi Miyake, Hiroshi Furutani and Michisato Toyoda, Anal. Chem., 93 (2021) 6589 – 6593.
  4. [Review] Direct Liquid Extraction and Ionization Techniques for Understanding Multimolecular Environments in Biological Systems (Secondary Publication): Yoichi Otsuka, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 10 (2021), A0095.
  5. Development of novel projection-type imaging mass spectrometer: Jun Aoki and Michisato Toyoda, Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 (2021), 053706.
  6. A Feasible Study of In-Situ Measurements of Light Isotopes and Organic Molecules with High Resolution Mass Spectrometer MULTUM on the OKEANOS Mission: Motoo Ito, Tatsuaki Okada, Yoko Kebukawa, Jun Aoki, Yosuke Kawai, Jun Matsumoto, Toshihiro Chujo, Ryosuke Nakamura, Hajime Yano, Sho-Ichiro Yokota, Michisato Toyoda, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Motoki Watanabe, Ryota Ikeda, Yuki Kubo, Noel Grand, Herve Cottin, Arnaud Buch, Cyril Szopa, Osamu Mori, Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan, 19 (2021), 477-484.
  7. [Technical Report] A method for expanding mass range on a multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer by a lap superimposed spectrum: Toshinobu Hondo, Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 10 (2021), A0098.
  8. 揮発性有機化合物の直接その場分析に向けたプロトン移動反応イオン化 – マルチターン飛行時間型質量分析装置の開発: 河井洋輔・河居伸哉・古谷浩志・石原盛男・渡辺励起・中山邦彦・神納育則・畠山典久・豊田岐聡, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 69 (2021), 68-74.

2020 年

  1. Development of a Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometer for submicron Imaging mass spectrometry: Yosuke Kawai, Kentaro Terada, Toshinobu Hondo, Jun Aoki, Morio Ishihara, Michisato Toyoda and Ryosuke Nakamura, JPS Conf. Proc., 31 (Proc. 15th Int. Symp. Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG15)) (2020), 011065.
  2. A new method for improving LC/Time-of-flight mass spectrometry detection limits using simultaneous ion counting and waveform averaging: Yosuke Kawai, Yumi Miyake, Toshinobu Hondo, Jean-Luc Lehmann, Kentaro Terada, Michisato Toyoda, Anal. Chem., 92 (2020), 6579-6586.
  3. Contribution of hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) to severe winter haze in the North China Plain: Tao Ma, Hiroshi Furutani, Fengkui Duan, Takashi Kimoto, Jingkun Jiang, Qiang Zhang, Xiaobin Xu, Ying Wang, Jian Gao, Guannan Geng, Meng Li, Shaojie Song, Yongliang Ma, Fei Che, Jie Wang, Lidan Zhu, Tao Huang, Michisato Toyoda, and Kebin He, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20 (2020), 5887–5897.
  4. Development of novel ion detector that combines a microchannel plate with an avalanche diode: Hiroshi Kobayashi, Toshinobu Hondo, Naruaki Imaoka, Motohiro Suyama, Michisato Toyoda, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 971 (2020), 164110.
  5. [Technical Report] Selective extraction of a monoisotopic ion while keeping the other ions in flight on a multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer: Toshinobu Hondo, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 9 (2020), A0088.
  6. Mass spectrometric multiple soil-gas flux measurement system with a portable high-resolution mass spectrometer (MULTUM) coupled to an automatic chamber for continuous field observations: Noriko Nakayama, Yo Toma, Yusuke Iwai, Hiroshi Furutani, Toshinobu Hondo, Ryusuke Hatano, and Michisato Toyoda, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13 (2020), 6657–6673.


  1. High throughput isotope abundance ratio determination based on simultaneous ion counting and waveform averaging: Yosuke Kawai, Toshinobu Hondo, Jean-Luc Lehmann, Kentaro Terada and Michisato Toyoda, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 942 (2019) 162427.
  2. 質量分析の中に見るプラズマ(小特集): 青木順, プラズマ核融合学会誌, 95 (2019), 257.
  3. 小惑星探査のための質量分析装置: 青木順, ぶんせき, 10 (2019), 470.
  4. 1分子イメージング質量分析手法の開発: 青木順, Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, 67 (2019), 100.


  1. これまで見ることができなかったモノを観る ~独創的な質量分析装置開発とそれらを用いた応用研究~: 豊田岐聡, 生産と技術, 70 (2) (2018), 54-60.
  2. Improved quantitative dynamic range of time-of-flight mass spectrometry by simultaneously waveform-averaging and ion-counting data acquisition: Yosuke Kawai, Toshinobu Hondo, Kirk R. Jensen, Michisato Toyoda and Kentaro Terada, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 29 (7) (2018), 1403–1407.
  3. Development of an ion trap with a metastable atom bombardment ionization source to observe ion-molecule reactions: Kenichi Iwamoto, Hiroshi Matsubara and Michisato Toyoda, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 430 (2018), 80–86.
  4. Matrix Free Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry as a functional tool for the analysis, and differentiation of complex phenolic mixtures in propolis: A new approach to quality control: Andreas Schinkovitz, Séverine Boisard, Ingrid Freuze, Junichi Osuga, Norbert Mehlmer, Thomas Brück, Pascal Richomme, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 410 (2018), 6187–6195.
  5. Development of Muonic Atom Beam Extraction System and First Evaluation by Intense Negative Muon Beam of J-PARC MUSE: Go Yoshida, Kazuhiko Ninomiya, Makoto Inagaki, Michisato Toyoda, Jun Aoki, Naritoshi Kawamura, Yasuhiro Miyake and Atsushi Shinohara, JPS Conf. Proc., 21 (Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (μSR2017)) (2018), 011046.
  6. Science exploration and instrumentation of the OKEANOS mission to a Jupiter Trojan asteroid using the solar power sail: Tatsuaki Okada, Yoko Kebukawa, Yoko Kebukawa, Jun Aoki, Jun Matsumoto, Hajime Yano, Takahiro Iwata, Osamu Mori, Jean Pierre Bibring, Stephan Ulamec and Ralf Jaumann, Planetary and Space Science, 161 (2018), 99-106.
  7. Concept of integrated excavation/Sampling device and its verification experiment results: Jun Matsumoto, Chisato Okamoto, Jun Aoki, Yusuke Oki, Takuma Nakamura and Shuya Kashioka, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 61 (2018),60-68.


  1. Development on Multi-Turn TOF-SIMS with a Femto-second Laser for Post-Ionization: First Application of OPTIMA (Osaka PosT-Ionization MAss spectrometer) for Presolar SiCs:Kentaro Terada, Yosuke Kawai, Michisato Toyoda, Morio Ishihara, Jun Aoki, Hikaru Yabuta, Kohei Miya, Taichi Suwa, Takahiro Matsuda, and Ryosuke Nakamura, JPS Conf. Proc., 14 (2017), 011103.
  2. Instrumentation and Method Development for On-site Analysis of Helium Isotopes: Kirk R. Jensen, Toshinobu Hondo, Hirochika Sumino, and Michisato Toyoda, Anal. Chem., 89 (2017), 7535–7540.
  3. 大阪大学大学院理学研究科教育研究交流棟(理学J棟)の新築: 豊田岐聡, 生産と技術, 69 (4) (2017), 65-68.
  4. A new approach for accurate mass assignment on a multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer: Toshinobu Hondo, Kirk R Jensen, Jun Aoki and Michisato Toyoda, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 23 (2017), 385-392.
  5. Bithiophenic MALDI matrices as valuable leads for the selective detection of alkaloids: Ali Jaber, Denis Seraphin, David Guilet, Junichi Osuga, Edmond Cheble, Ghassan Ibrahim, Pascal Richomme, Andreas Schinkovitz, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 409 (2017), 6791-6801.


  1. Metabolomic Analysis of Gingival Crevicular Fluid Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: Miho Ozeki, Takenori Nozaki, Jun Aoki, Takeshi Bamba, Kirk R. Jensen, Shinya Murakami and Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrom. (Tokyo), 5 (2016), A0047.
  2. High molecular weight organic compounds (HMW-OCs) in severe winter haze: Direct observation and insights on the formation mechanism: F.K. Duan, K.B. He, Y.L. Ma, T. Ihozaki, H. Kawasaki, R. Arakawa, S. Kitayama, K. Tujimoto, T. Huang, T. Kimoto, H. Furutani, M. Toyoda, Environmental Pollution, 218 (2016), 289–296.
  3. N-Terminal Derivatization with Structures Having High Proton Affinity for Discrimination between Leu and Ile Residues in Peptides by High-Energy Collision-Induced Dissociation: Atsushi Kitanaka, Masahiro Miyashita, Ayumi Kubo, Takaya Satoh, Michisato Toyoda, Hisashi Miyagawa, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 5(2016), A0051.
  4. High spatial resolution laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging of organic layers in an organic light-emitting diode: Yuko Tachibana, Yoji Nakajima, Tsuguhide Isemura, Kiyoshi Yamamoto, Takaya Satoh, Jun Aoki and Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo),5 (2016), A0052.


  1. Signal-to-noise performance evaluation of a new 12-bit digitizer on a time-of-flight mass spectrometer: Toshinobu Hondo, Yousuke Kawai and Michisato Toyoda, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 21 (2015), 13-17.


  1. Observation of Accumulated Metal Cation Distribution in Fish by Novel Stigmatic Imaging Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer: Jun Aoki, Shinichiro Ikeda and Michisato Toyoda, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 83(2) (2014), 023001.
  2. Separation of Isobaric Compounds Using a Spiral Orbit Type Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer, MALDI-SpiralTOF: Takaya Satoh, Ayumi Kubo, Hisanao Hazama, Kunio Awazu, Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrom. (Tokyo), 3 (2014), S0027.
  3. Development of a miniaturized multi-turn TOF mass spectrometer with a pulsed FAB ion source: Hirofumi Nagao, Shinichi Miki and Michisato Toyoda, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 20 (2014), 215–220.
  4. High-energy collision-activated and electron-transfer dissociation of gas-phase complexes of tryptophan with Na+, K+, and Ca2+: Akimasa Fujihara, Yuki Sha, Sou Matsuo, Michisato Toyoda and Shigeo Hayakawa, Eur. Phys. J. D, 68 (2014), 273-277.
  5. Real time monitoring of gases emitted from soils using the Multi-turn Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer “MULTUM-S II”: Takahiro Anan, Shuichi Shimma, Yo Toma, Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Ryusuke Hatano, Michisato Toyoda, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (2014), 2752 – 2757.


  1. A Chemical Approach to Searching for Bioactive Ingredients in Cigarette Smoke: Y. Takahashi, S. Horiyama, C. Honda, K. Suwa, K. Nakamura, M. Kunitomo, S. Shimma, M. Toyoda, H. Sato, M. Shizuma and M. Takayama, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 61 (2013), 85-89.
  2. A Novel Sperm-Activating and Attracting Factor (SAAF) from the Ascidian Ascidia sydneiensis: Nobuaki Matsumori, Yuki Hiradate, Hajime Shibata, Tohru Oishi, Shuichi Shimma, Michisato Toyoda, Fumiaki Hayashi, Manabu Yoshida, Michio Murata, Masaaki Morisawa, Organic Letters, 15 (2013), 294-297.
  3. 多重周回軌道を用いた投影型イメージング質量分析装置の開発: 青木順, 生産と技術, 65 (1), (2013), 71-74.
  4. [Review] 投影方式飛行時間型イメージング質量分析装置の開発: 青木順,豊田岐聡, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn. , 61 (3) (2013), 23-33.
  5. [進歩総説]オンサイトマススペクトロメトリー: 新間秀一,豊田岐聡, ぶんせき, 468 (12) (2013), 731-737.
  6. Ultra-High Mass Resolution Miniaturized Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer “infiTOF” for Rapid Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Shuichi Shimma, Shinichi Miki, Robert B. Cody, Michisato Toyoda, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 61 (2013), 303-323.
  7. Development of an Ultra-High Performance Multi-Turn TOF-SIMS/SNMS System “MULTUM-SIMS/SNMS”: Shingo Ebata, Morio Ishihara, Kousuke Kumondai, Ryo Mibuka, Kiichiro Uchino, Hisayoshi Yurimoto, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 24(2013), 222-229.


  1. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) analysis using a miniaturized high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer “MULTUM-S II”: Shuichi Shimma, Shinichi Miki and Michisato Toyoda, J. Environ. Monit., 14 (2012), 1664-1670.
  2. Detailed Structural Analysis of Lipids Directly on Tissue Specimens Using a MALDI-SpiralTOF-Reflectron TOF Mass Spectrometer: Shuichi Shimma, Ayumi Kubo, Takaya Satoh and Michisato Toyoda, PLoS ONE, 7(5) (2012), e37107.
  3. Rapid sequencing of a peptide containing a single disulfide bond using high-energy collision-induced dissociation: Takuma Degawa, Shuichi Shimma and Michisato Toyoda, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 18 (4) (2012), 345-348.
  4. Miniaturized Mass Spectrometer in Analysis of Greenhouse Gases: The Performance and Possibilities: Shuichi Shimma and Michisato Toyoda, Greenhouse Gases – Emission, Measurement and Management, Dr Guoxiang Liu (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0323-3, InTech, Chapter 11 (2012), 235-254.
  5. 特集「月惑星探査の来たる10年:第二段階のまとめ」火星生命探査機器群提案 ー細胞,アミノ酸,メタン検出を目的としたー: 山岸明彦,吉村義隆,長沼毅,宮川厚夫,出村裕英,豊田岐聡,本多元,小林憲正,三田肇,大野宗祐,石丸亮,小林喬郎,戸野倉賢一,石上玄也,佐々木晶,宮本英昭,日本惑星科学会誌, 21 (3) (2012), 276-282
  6. [紀要]大阪大学大学院理学研究科附属基礎理学プロジェクト研究センターの設立について: 豊田岐聡, 生産と技術, 64 (4), (2012), 90-93.
  7. Construction of a newly designed small-size mass spectrometer for helium isotope analysis: Toward continuous monitoring of 3He/4He ratio of natural fluids: Ken-ichi Bajo, Hirochika Sumino, Michisato Toyoda, Ryuji Okazaki, Takahito Osawa, Morio Ishihara, Itsuo Katakuse, Kenji Notsu and Keisuke Nagao, Mass Spectrom. (Tokyo), 1 (2012), A0009.
  8. [総説]マルチターン飛行時間型質量分析計: 豊田岐聡, 新間秀一, 青木順, 石原 盛男, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 60 (6) (2012), 87-102.
  9. Mass spectrometry imaging and structural analysis of lipids directly on tissue specimens by using a spiral orbit type tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer, SpiralTOF-TOF: Takaya Satoh, Ayumi Kubo, Shuichi Shimma, Michisato Toyoda, Mass Spectrom. (Tokyo),1 (2012), A0013.


  1. ロッド電極間に挿入した板状電極を用いたリニアイオントラップからのイオン排出方法の開発: 長尾博文,加納英朗,岩本賢一,豊田岐聡, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn.,59 (2011), 13-17.
  2. Development of a stigmatic mass microscope using laser desorption/ionization and a multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer: Hisanao Hazama, Hidetoshi Yoshimura, Jun Aoki, Hirofumi Nagao, Michisato Toyoda, Katsuyoshi Masuda, Kenichi Fujii, Toshio Tashima, Yasuhide Naito, Kunio Awazu, J. Biomed. Opt., 16 (2011), 046007.
  3. Evaluation of a delay-line detector combined with analog-to-digital converters as an ion detection system for stigmatic imaging mass spectrometry: Hidetoshi Yoshimura, Hisanao Hazama, Jun Aoki, Michisato Toyoda, Yasuhide Naito, and Kunio Awazu, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 50 (2011), 056701.
  4. Novel Ion Extraction Method for Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Jun Aoki, Hisanao Hazama and Michisato Toyoda, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 59 (2011), 57-61.


  1. Development of Multi-turn Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometers and Their Applications: Michisato Toyoda, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 16 (2010), 397-406.
  2. High-energy electron transfer dissociation using a tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer with an electrospray ionization source: Hirofumi Nagao, Shuichi Shimma, Shigeo Hayakawa, Kunio Awazu, Michisato Toyoda, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom.,16 (2010), 551-556.
  3. High-energy electron transfer dissociation (HE-ETD) using alkali metal targets for sequence analysis of post-translational peptides: Shigeo Hayakawa, Shinya Matsumoto, Mami Hashimoto, Kenichi Iwamoto, Hirofumi Nagao, Michisato Toyoda, Yasushi Shigeri, Michiko Tajiri and Yoshinao Wada, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 21 (2010), 1482-1489.
  4. Development of a tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer with an electrospray ionization ion source: Hirofumi Nagao, Shuichi Shimma, Shigeo Hayakawa, Kunio Awazu and Michisato Toyoda, J. Mass Spectrom., 45 (2010), 937-943.
  5. Ultra-high performance multi-turn TOF-SIMS system with a femto-second laser for post-ionization: investigation of the performance in linear mode: Morio Ishihara, Shingo Ebata, Kousuke Kumondai, Ryo Mibuka, Kiichiro Uchino and Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Surf. Interface Anal., 42 (2010), 1598–1602.
  6. Miniaturized high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer “MULTUM-S II” with an infinite flight path: Shuich Shimma, Hirofumi Nagao, Jun Aoki, Keiji Takahashi, Shinichi Miki and Michisato Toyoda, Anal. Chem., 82 (2010), 8456-8463.
  7. 局所分析法の最先端 -超高感度極微量質量分析システムの開発-: 江端 新吾, 石原 盛男, 公文代 康介, 身深 亮, 内野 喜一郎, 圦本 尚義, 日本惑星科学会誌「遊星人」, 19 (2010), 295-304.


  1. Design of a new multi-turn ion optical system “IRIS” for a time-of-flight mass spectrometer: Masaru Nishiguchi, Yoshihiro Ueno, Michisato Toyoda, Mitsutoshi Setou, J. Mass Spectrom., 44 (2009), 594-604.
  2. Development of an ion trap/multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer with potential-lift: Kenichi Iwamoto, Hirofumi Nagao and Michisato Toyoda, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 15 (2009), 249-260.
  3. Simulation of Ion Trajectories using the Surface-Charge Method on a Special Purpose Computer: Jun Aoki, Ayumi Kubo, Michisato Toyoda, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 600 (2009), 466-470.
  4. Unimolecular and collision-induced dissociation of singly charged mono-bromide silver clusters AgxBr+ (x = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10): Hirofumi Nagao, Michisato Toyoda, Shigeo Hayakawa, Kenichi Iwamoto, Toshio Ichihara, Kazuya Kawamura and Kunio Awazu, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 15 (2009), 459-469.
  5. 高エネルギー電子移動解離が可能なタンデム質量分析装置の開発: 長尾博文,早川滋雄,橋本雅美,岩本賢一,豊田岐聡,茂里 康,地頭所眞美子,粟津邦男, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 57 (2009), 57 (2009), 123-132.
  6. 亜酸化窒素濃度の野外計測を可能にする可搬型高分解能マルチターン飛行時間型質量分析計の開発: 豊田岐聡,新間秀一,三木伸一, 北海道土壌肥料研究通信, 第55巻1号 (2009), 1-12
  7. 新しいイオン光学系を採用した多重周回飛行時間型質量分析計の開発: 山口真一,古橋治,竹下建悟,出水秀明,榮欧樹,西口克,上野良弘,小河潔,吉田佳一,豊田岐聡,瀬藤光利, 島津評論, 66 (2009), 53-59


  1. High-energy collision-induced dissociation of phosphopeptides using a multi-turn tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer “MILTUM-TOF/TOF”: Shuichi Shimma, Hirofumi Nagao, Anastassios E. Giannakopulos, Shigeo Hayakawa, Kunio Awazu and Michisato Toyoda, J. Mass Spectrom., 43 (2008), 535-537.
  2. Study of the dissociation of charge-reduced phosphopeptide formed by electron transfer from alkali metal target : Shigeo Hayakawa, Mami Hashimoto, Hirofumi Nagao, Kunio Awazu, Michisato Toyoda, Toshio Ichihara and Yasushi Shigeri, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 22 (2008), 567-572.
  3. Ion optical evaluation of a miniature double-focusing mass spectrograph: Masaru Nishiguchi, Morio Ishihara, Itsuo Katakuse, Michisato Toyoda, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom.,14 (2008), 7-15.
  4. Comparison of mass spectra of peptides in different matrices using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and a multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer, MULTUM-IMG: Hisanao Hazama, Hirofumi Nagao, Ren Suzuki, Michisato Toyoda, Katsuyoshi Masuda, Yasuhide Naito and Kunio Awazu, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.., 22 (2008), 1461-1466.
  5. [解説]なぜリフレクトロンモードやマルチターンによって質量分解能が向上されるのか: 田中耕一,吉野健一,内藤康秀,豊田岐聡,J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 56 (2008), 49-54.
  6. Development of a tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer “MULTUM-TOF/TOF” at Osaka University: Combination of a multi-turn time-of-flight mass spectrometer and a quadratic-field ion mirror: Michisato Toyoda, Anastassios E. Giannakopulos, Alex W. Colburn, Peter J. Derrick, Physics Procedia, 1 (2008), 401-411.
  7. Computer program TRIO 2.0 for calculation and visualization of ion trajectories: Masaru Nishiguchi, Michisato Toyoda, Physics Procedia, 1 (2008), 325-332.
  8. [解説]質量分析の将来展望: 豊田岐聡, The TRC News, 105 (Oct) (2008), 30-34.
  9. Construction of a Novel Stigmatic MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometer: Hisanao Hazama, Jun Aoki, Hirofumi Nagao, Ren Suzuki, Toshio Tashima, Ken-ichi Fujii, Katsuyoshi Masuda, Kunio Awazu, Michisato Toyoda, Yasuhide Naito, Appl. Surf. Sci., 255 (2008), 1257-1263.


  1. マルチターン飛行時間型質量分析計のイオン像のシミュレーション: Michisato Toyoda and Masaru Nishiguchi, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 55 (2007), 17-24.
  2. マルチターン飛行時間型質量分析計の開発とその応用: 豊田岐聡, J. Vac. Soc. Jpn., 50 (2007), 246-251.
  3. High-energy collision induced dissociation fragmentation pathways of peptides, probed using a multi-turn tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer “MULTUM-TOF/TOF”: Michisato Toyoda, Anastassios Giannakopulos, Alex Colburn, and Peter Derrick, Rev. Sci. Instrum.,78 (2007), 074101 .
  4. マルチターンタンデム飛行時間型質量分析計を用いたリン脂質のチャージリモートフラグメンテーション: Shuichi Shimma, Hirofumi Nagao and Michisato Toyoda, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 55 (2007), 343-351.
  5. Potential crossing position in electron transfer of a doubly charged ion and an alkali metal target measured using thermometer molecule W(CO)6: Shigeo Hayakawa, Kaori Minami, Kenichi Iwamoto, Michisato Toyoda, Toshio Ichihara and Hirofumi Nagao, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 266 (2007), 122-128.
  6. Dissociation channels of silver bromide cluster Ag2Br, silver cluster Ag3 and their ions studied by using alkali metal target: Hirofumi Nagao, Kunio Awazu, Shigeo Hayakawa, Kenichi Iwamoto, Michisato Toyoda and Toshio Ichihara, Eur. Phys. J. D, 45 (2007), 279-287.
  7. 手のひらサイズのマルチターン飛行時間型質量分析計「MULTUM-S」の製作: Toshio Ichihara, Satoshi Uchida, Morio Ishihara, Itsuo Katakuse and Michisato Toyoda, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 55 (2007), 363-368.


  1. Development of a miniature double focusing mass spectrograph using a focal plane detector : Masaru Nishiguchi, Michisato Toyoda, Morio Ishihara, Makiko Ohtake, Takamitsu Sugihara, Itsuo Katakuse, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 54 (2006), 1-9.
  2. ∞軌道で質量分解能も無限大 ー小型質量分析装置の近未来ー : Bionics, No.2 ( 2006), 48-53 .
  3. Differences between the internal energy depositions induced by collisional activation and by electron transfer of W(CO)62+ ions on collision with Ar and K targets : Shigeo Hayakawa, Akihiro Kitaguchi, and Satoko Kameoka, Michisato Toyoda and Toshio Ichihara, J. Chem. Phys., 124 (2006), 224320.
  4. 手のひらサイズの質量分析計の開発:市原敏雄, 生産と技術, 58 (2006), 9-12.


  1. A tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer: combination of a multi-turn time-of-flight and a quadratic-field mirror : Michisato Toyoda, Anastassios E. Giannakopulos, Alex W. Colburn and Peter J. Derrick, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 11 (2005), 181-187.
  2. High-resolution TOF spectra obtained by the ‘MULTUM II’ multi-turn type TOF mass spectrometer with an EI ion source : Daisuke Okumura, Michisato Toyoda, Morio Ishihara and Itsuo Katakuse, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 11 (2005), 261-266.
  3. Experimental and theoretical study on gas-phase ion/molecule reactions of silver trimer cation, Ag3+, with 12-crown-4 : Kousuke Kumondai, Michisato Toyoda, Morio Ishihara, Itsuo Katakuse, Takae Takeuchi, Mai Ikeda and Kenichi Iwamoto, J. Chem. Phys., 123 (2005), 024314.


  1. Application of a Multi-Turn Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer, ‘MULTUM II’, to organic compounds ionized by MALDI : Daisuke Okumura, Michisato Toyoda, Morio Ishihara and Itsuo Katakuse, J. Mass Spectrom., 39 (2004), 86-90.
  2. A compact sector-type multi-turn Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer‘MULTUM II’: Daisuke Okumura, Michisato Toyoda, Morio Ishihara and Itsuo Katakuse, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 519 (2004), 331-337.
  3. Development of Multi-turn Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometers ‘MULTUM Linear plus’ and ‘MULTUM II’ : Michisato Toyoda, Daisuke Okumura, Morio Ishihara and Itsuo Katakuse, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 16 (2004), 335-352.
  4. Ion/Molecule Reactions of Silver Cluster Cations with Crown Ethers in a Cylindrical Ion Trap : Kousuke KUMONDAI , Michisato TOYODA, Kenichi IWAMOTO, Morio ISHIHARA and Itsuo KATAKUSE, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 43 (2004), 7282-7286.
  5. Development of a GC-MS System with an Array Detector System for Endocrine Disruptor Analysis : Morio Ishihara, Michihisa Toyoda, Hiroki Sakae, Toshio Ichihara and Itsuo Katakuse, Environmental Sciences, 11 (2004), 15-24.


  1. 質量分析の基礎知識 装置 : 石原盛男, ぶんせき, 2 (2003), 64-69.
  2. A simple Multi-Turn Time of Fight Mass Spectrometer ‘MULTUM II’: Daisuke Okumura, Michisato Toyoda, Morio Ishihara and Itsuo Katakuse, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 51 (2003), 349-353..
  3. The lifetime distribution of cluster ions from sputtering ion source : T. Satoh, H. Ito, H. Sakae, T. Ichihara and I. Katakuse, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 51 (2003), 354-358.
  4. Fragmentation of doubly and triply charged mercury cluster ions : T.Satoh, H. Ito, T. Ichihara, H. Sakae and I. Katakuse J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 51 (2003), 391-397.
  5. 内分泌かく乱物質測定用高感度ガスクロマト質量分析計の開発 : 交久瀬五雄, 生産と技術、55 (2003), 43-46.
  6. 化粧用イオナイザーを利用した小型エレクトロスプレーイオン源 : Ryuichi ARAKAWA, Seiji UEMURA, Toshio ICHIHARA and Itsuo KATAKUSE, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 51 (2003), 477-480.
  7. Multi-turn Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometers with Electrostatic Sectors : Michisato Toyoda, Daisuke Okumura, Morio Ishihara and Itsuo Katakuse, J. Mass Spectrom., 38 (2003), 1125-1142.


  1. 扇形磁場を用いた飛行時間型質量分析計の開発とクラスター分裂の観測: 冨江諭,真部善宏,榮欧樹,佐藤貴弥,豊田岐聡,市原敏雄,交久瀬五雄, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 50 (2002), 213-216.
  2. 飛行時間型質量分析計のイオン源として用いるイオントラップの開発: 公文代康祐,豊田岐聡,岩本賢一,奥村大輔,石原盛男,木村正広,交久瀬五雄, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 50 (2002), 217-222.
  3. (解説)もしも理想的質量分析計ができたら(将来の質量分析法で問題になること) : 交久瀬五雄, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 49 (2001), 74-76 


  1. Resolution Enhancement in Mass Spectrometry by Autoregressive Deconvolution: Hiroshi KATO, Morio ISHIHARA and Munetaka NAKATA, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 49 (2001), 175-182
  2. Size Distribution and Dissociation Patterns of Iron-Sulfur Binary Cluster Ions from Sputter Ion Source: Takaya SATOH, Takeshi NAGATA, Hiroki SAKAE, Hiroyuki ITO, Toshio ICHIHARA, and Itsuo KATAKUSE, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 49 (2001 ), 121-126
  3. Construction of A New Compact Multi-Turn Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer ‘MULTUM II’: Morio Ishihara, Michisato Toyoda and Itsuo Katakuse, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 15 (2001), 435-436
  4. Investigation of A Multi-Turn Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer ‘MULTUM Linear plus’: Michisato Toyoda, Morio Ishihara, Daisuke okumura, Shin-ichi Yamaguchi and Itsuo Katakuse, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 15 (2001), 437-438
  5. Developement of a Mass Spectrograph for Future Planetary Exploration: Takamitsu Sugihara, Makiko Ohtake, Morio Ishihara, Michisato Toyoda, Fumio Kunihiro, Masao Shimizu, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 49 (2001), 69-73


  1. Perfect Spacial and Isochronous Focussing Ion Optics for Multi-turn Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer: M. Ishihara, M. Toyoda and T. Matsuo , Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 197 (2000), 179-189
  2. Construction of a New Multi-turn Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer: M. Toyoda, M. Ishihara, S. Yamaguchi, H. Ito, T. Matsuo, R. Roll and H. Rosenbauer, J. Mass Spectrom., 35 (2000), 163-167.
  3. : H. Ito, T. Matsuo, T. Sato, T. Ichiharai and I. Katakuse, JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 35 (2000), 168-171
  4. Developement of a Multi-turn Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer: M. Toyoda, The PRODUCTION & TECHNIQUE, 52 (2000), 63-66
  5. Developement of a Multi-turn Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Planetary and Cometary Investigation: Michisato Toyoda, Daisuke Okumura, Shin-ichi Yamaguchi, Morio Ishihara, Itsuo Katakuse and Takekiyo Matsuo, Planetary People, 9 (2000), 103-107
  6. マルチターン飛行時間型質量分析計「MULTUM Linear plus」の開発: 豊田岐聡,奥村大輔,山口真一,石原盛男,交久瀬五雄,松尾武清, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 48 (2000), 312-317.
  7. ポテンシャルリフト型イオン源の開発: 奥村大輔,公文代康祐,山口真一,豊田岐聡,石原盛男,交久瀬五雄, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 48 (2000), 357-359.
  8. New Deconvolution Method for Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Hiroshi KATO, Morio ISHIHARA and Munetaka NAKATA, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 48 (2000 ), 373-379.


  1. Computer Program “TRIO-DRAW” for Displaying Ion Trajectory and Flight Time: M. Toyoda and T. Matsuo, Nucl. Instrum. Meth., A427 (1999), 375-381
  2. A Space Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Exobiologically-Oriented Applications: T. Matsuo, M. Ishihara, M. Toyoda, H. Ito, S. Yamaguchi, R. Roll, H. Rosenbauer, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 23, No. 2 (1999), 341-348


  1. SIMSによる小さいサイズの2価テルルクラスターの観測: T. Satoh, H. Ito, T. Ichihara, I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo, Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, 46 (1998), 433-436
  2. Computer Program “TRIO-DRAW” for IonTrajectory Calculation and Display with Application to TOF Information: M. Toyoda and T. Matsuo, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 14 (1998), E03_3500
  3. Ion Optics for Multi-turn Time of Flight Mass Spectrometers of Eight Figure Geometry: T. Matsuo, M. Toyoda, M. Ishihara and T. Sakurai, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 14 (1998), B04_3510
  4. (解説)金属クラスターの性質 -10^{5}倍大きい原子核-: 交久瀬五雄,伊藤啓行, 日本物理学会誌, 53 (1998), 499-507
  5. Computer Code ‘TRIO-TOF’ for the Third-Order Calculation of Ion Flight Times: T. Sakurai and T. Matsuo, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 46 (1998), 442-447


  1. Measurement of Decay Lifetime of Metastable Dye Molecular Ions by Using Ion Trap: M. Toyoda, M. Kimura and T. Matsuo, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 66 (1997), 1321-1323
  2. On-line Electrospray Mass Analysis of Photoallylation Reactions of Dicyanaobenzenes by Allylic Silanes via Photoinduced Electron Transfer: R. Arakawa, J. Lu, K. Mizuno, H. Inoue, H. Doe and T. Matsuo, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 160 (1997), 371-376
  3. Observation of doubly charged mercury cluster ions Hg_{n}^{2+}; n =1-10 using secondary ion mass spectrometry: H. Ito, T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo, T. Ichihara and I. Katakuse, Z. Phys. D, 40 (1997), 102-104
  4. Structural Analysis of Photo-oxidized (Ethylenediamine)bis(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) Complexes Using On-Line Electrospray Mass Spectrometry: R. Arakawa, F. Matsuda, G. Matsubayashi and T. Matsuo, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 8 (1997), 713-717
  5. Ion Optics for Multi-turn Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometers with Variable Mass Resolution: T. Matsuo, M. Toyoda, T. Sakurai and M. Ishihara, J. Mass Spectrom., 32 (1997), 1179-1185.


  1. Study on Photodissociation of Molecular Ions by Using Ion Trap: M. Toyoda, M. Kimura and T. Matsuo, Genshikaku Kenkyu, 41 (1996), 67-75
  2. Analysis of Metastable Ion by the TIme-of-Flight Mass SPectrometer Consisted of Electrostatic Sector Analyzers: T. Sakurai, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jap., 44 (1996), 407
  3. Size Distribution of Zinc-Cesium and Cadmium-Cesium Positive Cluster Ions Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: H. Ito, T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, T. Ichihara and I. Katakuse, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 44 (1996), 29-37
  4. 2価に帯電したクラスターの分裂: 交久瀬五雄, 物性研究, 65 (1996), 889-897
  5. イオントラップ内に蓄積した色素分子の光解離: 木村正広,豊田岐聡, 大阪大学低温センターだより, 93 (1996), 1-5
  6. Fascination of Mass Spectrometry: T. Matsuo, Proceedings of the Meeting on Technology, 4 (1996), 1-11
  7. Ion association equilibrium of tris (2,2′-bipyridine)rutenium complex in electrosprayed solution droplets: R. Arakawa, S. Mimura, G. Matsubayashi, T. Matsuo, BUNSEKI KAGAKU, 45 (1996), 619-624
  8. A New Approach of the SIMS Method for metal clusters: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, H. Ito, T. Sakurai and T. Matsuo, , Surface Review and Letters, 3 (1996), 551-555
  9. Mass Spectra and Dissociation Patterns of Tellurium Clusters Using Positive and Negative Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: H. Ito, T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo, T. Ichihara and I. Katakuse, Surface Review and Letters, 3 (1996), 577-582
  10. Metastable Decay of Mercry/Cesium Complex Cluster: T. Sakurai, H. Ito, T. Matsuo and I. Katakuse, Surface Review and Letters, 3 (1996), 573-575
  11. Electrospray and Collision-Induced Dissociation Mass Analysis of Star-Burst Type Tetranuclear Complexes: R. Arakawa, G. Matsubayashi, N. Ohashi, S. Furuuchi, T. Matsuo, M. M. Ali, and M. Haga, J. Mass Spectrom., 31 (1996), 861-866
  12. Chiral Molecular Recognition in Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry: M. Sawada, Y. Takai, T. Kaneda, R. Arakawa, M. Okamoto, H. Doe, T. Matsuo, K. Naemura, K. Hirose, and Y. Tobe, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., non (1996), 1735-1736
  13. Photolysis of Diaminebis(2,2*-bipyridine) Ruthenium(II) Complexes using On-Line Electrospray Mass Spectrometry: R. Arakawa, S. Mimura, G. Matsubayashi, and T. Matsuo, Inorg. Chem., 35 (1996), 5725-5729
  14. 揮発性サンプルのための冷却スパッターイオン源の製作: 市原 敏雄, 交久瀬 五雄, 伊藤 啓行, 桜井 達, 松尾 武清, 質量分析, 44 (1996), 91-95.
  15. 学生実験用質量分析計の製作: 市原 敏雄, 交久瀬 五雄, 質量分析, 44 (1996), 85-89.
  16. 扇形電場を用いたTOF質量分析計によるメタステーブルイオンの分析: 桜井 達, 質量分析, 44 (1996), 407-414.


  1. Third-order ion trajectory calculations of Wien filters: T. Sakurai, M. Toyoda, H. Hayashibara and T. Matsuo, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 146/147 (1995), 217-222
  2. Third-order transfer matrix for crossed electric and magnetic fields calculated algebraically using a symbolic computation program: M. Toyoda, H. Hayashibara, T. Sakurai and T. Matsuo, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 146/147 (1995), 195-216
  3. Analysis of Multiply Charged Ions of Ruthenium(II) Tetranuclear Complexes by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry: R. Arakawa, T. Matsuo, K. Nozaki, T. Ohno and M. Haga, Inorg. Chem., 34 (1995), 2464-2467
  4. On-Line Mass Analysis of Reaction Products by Electrospray Ionization: Phtosubstitution of Ruthenium (ll) Diimine Complexes: R. Arakawa, L. Jian, A. Yoshimura, K. Nozaki, T. Ohno, H. Doe and T. Matsuo, Inorganic Chemistry, 34 (1995), 3874-3878
  5. The Influences of Fringing Fields of an Electrostatic Sector Analyzer in Fifth Order Aberration Coefficients: T. Sakurai and M. Ishihara, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 43 (1995), 9
  6. Cooled Sputter Ion Source for Volatile Samples: T. Ichihara, I. Katakuse, H. Ito, T. Sakurai and T.Matsuo, 質量分析, 44 (1995), 91-95
  7. 学生実験用質量分析計の製作: 市原敏雄,交久瀬五雄, 質量分析, 44 (1995), 85-89
  8. クラスター源としてのスパッターイオン源: 交久瀬五雄, 生産と技術, 47 (1995), 43-47
  9. Detection of Reaction Intermediates: Study of Photosubstitution of (Polypyridine)ruthenium(II) Complexes using On-Line Electrospray Mass Spectrometry: R. Arakawa, S. Tachiyashiki and T. Matsuo, Anal. Chem., 67 (1995), 4133-4138
  10. Ion Optics of High Resolution Multipassage Mass Spectrometer with Electrostatic Ion Mirror: T. Sakurai and M. Baril, Nucl. Instrum. Meth., A363 (1995), 473
  11. Ion Optics of Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer with Electrostatic Sector Analyzers: T. Sakurai, H. Ito and T. Matsuo, Nucl. Instrum. Meth., A363 (1995), 426-428
  12. Mass Spectrometry Today: T. Matsuo, The PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE, 47 No. 1 (1995), 63-66


  1. 希ガスクラスターの性質: 交久瀬五雄,市原敏雄,伊藤啓行, IONICS, 20 (1994), 3-8
  2. Observation of Multiple Charged Ions of Ruthenium (II), Rhodium (III) and Cobalt(III) Complexes in Electtrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry: R. Arakawa, T. Matsuo, H. Ito, I. Katakuse, K. Nozaki, T. Ohno and M. Haga, Organic. Mass Spectrom., 29 (1994), 289-294
  3. 水銀クラスターのスーパーシェル: 交久瀬五雄,市原敏雄,伊藤啓行, 原子核研究, 39 (1994), 49-62
  4. スパッター法によるクラスターの研究: 交久瀬五雄, 質量分析, 42 (1994), 67-93
  5. MS/MS and MS/MS/MS Analyses in a Multisector Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer: T. Sakurai, H. Ito and T. Matsuo, Analyical Chemistry., 66 (1994), 2313-2317


  1. Detection of Electronic Shell Structure in Divalent Metal Clusters (Hg)n: H. Ito, T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo, T. Ichihara and I. Katakuse, Phys. Rev. B, 48 (1993), 4741-4745
  2. A New Mass Spectrograph: T. Matsuo and M. Ishihara, Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, vol. 4 no.5 (1993), 372-
  3. Study on Phase Transition of C60 through Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Measurements: Y. Harada, T. Ohyama, E. Otsuka, K. Tashiro, M. Kobayashi, H. Ito, T. Matsuo, Y. Saito and H. Shinohara., Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 62 no.5 (1993), 1427-1430


  1. Ion Trajectories and Focusing Properties of a Solenoid Represented by Transfer Matrices to a Third-order Approximation: T. Sakurai, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 114 (1992), 73-84
  2. “High masses”: T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai, H. Ito and Y. Wada, Int J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proces., 118/119 (1992), 635-659
  3. The Influences of the Extended Fringing Fields of an Electrostatic Ion Mirror on Ion Trajectories and Flight Times: T. Sakurai and M. Baril, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 120 (1992), 231
  4. Fast atom bombardment and tandem mass spectrometry for the characterization of hemoglobin variants including a new variant : Y. Wada, T. Matsuo, I.A. Papayannopoulos, C.E. Costello and K. Biemann, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc., 122 (1992), 219-
  5. Extraction and Characterization of Large All-Carbon Fullerenes: H. Shinohara, H. Sato, Y. Saito, A. Izuoka, T. Sugawara, H. Ito, T. Sakurai and T. Matsuo, P. Jean et al.(eds.), Physics and chemistry of Finite Systems: From Clusters to Crystals, 2 (1992), 1379-1384
  6. Formation of Microcraters by Bombardment of Microclusters : I. Katyakuse, S. Baba, T. Ichihara and M. Ikeya, JJAP, 31 (1992), 1245-1247
  7. 固体のクラスター化と分解 -イオンスパッター法の紹介とスパッターイオンの性質 -: 交久瀬五雄, 真空, 35 (1992), 708-718
  8. 磁場型質量分析計用エレクトロスプレーイオン源の試作: T. Ichihara, I. Katakuse, H. Ito, T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo and R. Arakawa, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 40 (1992), 277-281
  9. Quantitative Amino Acid Analysis by Electrospray Ionization: R. Arakawa, H. Ito, T. Matsuo and I. Katakuse, J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 40 (1992), 301-305
  10. Fission of Metallic Clusters: I. Katakuse and H. Ito, Lecture Notes in Physics, 404 (1992), 107-111
  11. Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectra of Hemoglobin and Transferrin by a Magnetic Sector Mass Spectrometer. Comparison with Theoretical Isotopic Distributions: Y. Wada, J. Tamura, B. D. Musselman, D. B. Kassel, T. Sakurai and T. Matsuo, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 6 (1992), 9
  12. Extraction and Mass Spectroscopic Characterization of Giant Fullerenes up to C500: H. Shinohara, H. Sato, Y. Saito, A. Izuoka, T. Sugawara, H. Ito, T. Sakurai and T. Matsuo, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 6 (1992), 413-416
  13. A new ray tracing code “ELECTRA”: M. Ishihara and T. Matsuo, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 70B (1992), 445-450
  14. 磁場型質量分析計用エレクトロスプレ-イオン源の試作: 市原敏雄,交久瀬五雄,伊藤啓行,櫻井達,松尾武清,荒川隆一, 質量分析, Vol. 40 No. 5 (1992), 277
  15. エレクトロスプレーによるアミノ酸定量分析: 荒川 隆一, 伊藤 啓行, 松尾 武清, 交久瀬 五雄, 質量分析, Vol. 40 (1992), 301-305.


  1. Recent Developments in Mass Spectrometry: T.Matsuo, Review of Instrumentation and Applications Organic Mass Spectrometry, 26 (1991), 374-388
  2. 金属クラスターの性質: 交久瀬五雄, 表面, 29 (1991), 781-792
  3. The Mass Spectrum of Mercury/Cesium Complex Cluster (Hg)nCs+ Ranging up to m/z=118000: T. Sakurai, H. Ito, T. Matsuo and I. Katakuse, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 5 (1991), 437-440
  4. Molecular Weight Measurement for Large Bio-Molecules by Mass Spectrometry: T. Sakurai and T. Matsuo, Teion Senta Dayori (Osaka University), 73 (1991), 1
  5. Magic Numbers in SIMS Mn Similar to Those of Charged Ar Clusters : Y. Saito and I. Katakuse, Z. phys., D19 (1991), 189-190
  6. Fragmentation of Doubly Charged Noble Metal Clusters: I. Katakuse, H. Ito and T. Ichihara, Z. Phys., D20 (1991), 101-104
  7. Mass spectrometry is “old” and “new”: 松尾武清, 島津科学計測ジャーナル, vol. 3 no. 3 (1991), 369-373


  1. Microclusters of Primitive Interstellar Substance: 交久瀬五雄,伊藤啓行, 月刊「地球」, 12 (1990), 51-56
  2. Actual and Ideal Mass Spectrometry: 松尾武清, Circular of Japanese Society for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 16 (1990), 1-5
  3. Portable Thermoluminescense Reader for Dosimetry and Dating in Fields: M. Ikeya, I. Katakuse and T. Ichihara, J. Nuclear Science and Tech., 27 (1990), 188-190
  4. Recent Development of Ion-optical Studies for Mass Spectrometer and Mass Spectrograph Design: T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and M. Ishihara, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 298A (1990), 134
  5. Microclusters: New Ultimate Material of the 21st Century: 伊藤啓行,交久瀬五雄,池谷元伺, 月刊「ニューセラミックス」, 3 (1990), 61-66
  6. Cluster-ion Abundances and Geometrical Structures of Magnesium Oxide Clusters Generated by Bombardment with Xenon and Oxigen Ions: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, H. Ito and M. Hirai, Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom., 4 (1990), 16-18
  7. 研究ノート: 生体関連高分子量物質の質量分析法による分子量測定: 櫻井達,松尾武清, 大阪大学低温センターだより, 73 (1990), 1-4
  8. Fission-like Dissociation of Doubly Charged Silver Clusters: I. Katakuse, H. Ito and T. Ichihara, Int J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proces., 97 (1990), 47-54
  9. Generation of Argon and Argon-Aluminum Complex Clusters (Ar)n+, (Ar)nAl+ from Bubbles in Aluminum Metal by Argon Ion Bombardment: I. Katakuse, H. Ito and T. Ichihara, Int J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proces., 99 (1990), 207-211
  10. Development and Application of a Grand Scale Mass Spectrometer: non, FARUMASHIA, vol. 26 no. 4 (1990), 321-325


  1. A New Mass Spectrometer at Osaka University: H. Matsuda, T. Matsuo, Y. Fujita, T. Sakurai and I. Katakuse, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proces., 91 (1989), 1-10
  2. A New Mass Spectrograph for the Analysis of Dissociation Fragments: H. Matsuda, Int J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proces., 91 (1989), 11-17
  3. Second-Order Double-Focusing Mass Spectrograph with Wide Mass Range: H. Matsuda and H. Wollnik, Int J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proces., 91 (1989), 19-26
  4. A Supper High-Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometer: T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 91 (1989), 27-40
  5. Characterization of the Focal Planes of a Mass Spectrometer using the Method of Transfer Matrices: T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and P. Derrick, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 91 (1989), 41-49
  6. The Vertical Component of an Ion Trajectory in a Homogeneous Magnet to a Third-Order Approximation: T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 91 (1989), 51-68
  7. Helium Isotope Ratio Measurement by a Single Focusing Mass Spectrometer with Large Incident and Exit Angles: Y. Sano, H. Wakita, K. Wakino, M. Murata, H. Yamamoto and H. Matsuda, Int J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proces., 91 (1989), 69-77
  8. Mass Spectrometric Characterization of a Haemoglobin Variant, Haemoglobin Riyadh: Y. Wada, A. Hayashi, Y. Oka, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai, H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 91 (1989), 79-84
  9. Mass Distributions of Positive and Negative Cluster Ions of Zinc and Cadmium: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda , Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 91 (1989), 85-91
  10. Cluster Abundance Mass Spectra of (Pb)n+ and (Pb)n: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, H. Ito, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Int J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proces., 91 (1989), 93-97
  11. Secondary Ion Mass Spectra of Silver Clusters (Ag)n+ up to 26000 Daltons (n=240): I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 91 (1989), 99-101
  12. Precise Mass Determination of Large Bio-Molecules Using a Grand Scale Mass Spectrometer: “GEMMY”: T. Sakurai, T, Matsuo, M. Morris, Y. Fujita, H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Advances in Mass Spectrometry (P. Longevialle, Ed.), 11A (1989), 220-221
  13. Mass Spectrometry of Protein Variants: Y. Wada, A. Hayashi, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda , Advances in Mass Spectrometry (P. Longevialle, Ed.), 11B (1989), 1438
  14. Aluminum Cluster Ions and Aluminum-Xenon Complex Ions Formed by Ion Sputtering: Y. Saito, I. Katakuse and H. Ito, Chem. Phys. Lett., 161 (1989), 332-338
  15. Structural Analysis of Protein Variants by Mass Spectrometry -Characterization of Haemoglobin Providence Using a Grand-Scale Mass Spectrometer-: Y. Wada, T. Fujita, A. Hayashi, T. Sakurai and T. Matsuo, Biomed. Envir. Mass Spectrom., 18 (1989), 563-565
  16. Collisionary Activated Decomposition Spectra of Normal Nucleosides and Nucleotides Using a Four-sector Tandem Mass Spectrometer: T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo, A. Kusai and K. Nojima, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 7 (1989), 212-216
  17. High Performance Sector Mass Spectrometers -Past and Present-: T. Matsuo, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 8 (1989), 203-236
  18. Structure Elucidation of Hemoglobin Variants and Other Proteins by Digit-Printing Method: Y. Wada, T. Matsuo and T. Sakurai, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 8 (1989), 379-434
  19. 極限物質としてのマイクロクラスター -宇宙始源物質から先端技術材料まで-: 交久瀬五雄,伊藤啓行, 月刊「IONICS(アイオニクス)」 -イオンの科学と技術-, 8 (1989), 27-37
  20. Mass Distributions and Geometrical Configurations of Gold Clusters (Au)n+ Obtained in a Hydrodynamic Ion Source: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, H. Ito, T. Matsuo and T. Sakurai, Int J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proces., 93 (1989), 331-336
  21. 超大型質量分析計に関する研究: 松尾武清, 日本電子ニュース, vol. 29 no. 4 (1989), 66-71
  22. 高性能質量分析計の設計法: 松田 久, 質量分析, 37 (1989), 149-165. 
  23. 広質量域二重収束質量分析器: 松田 久, 質量分析, 37 (1989), 141-148. 


  1. Ultra-high-mass Spectra of CsI Clusters and Evidence for the Existence of Stable Neutral Cubic-like Structures with Even Number of Atoms: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, H.Ito, T. Matsuo, T.Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2 (1988), 191-194
  2. Enhanced Mass Resolution without Decrease of Beam Intensity in a Four Sector Mass Spectrometer: T. Matsuo, M. Ishihara, S.A. Martin and K. Biemann. , Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 86 (1988), 83-94


  1. Mass spectrometry on “Biotechnology and Analytical Chemistry: T. Matsuo, Journal of Japanese Analytical Chemistry, 10 (1987), 741-746
  2. Ion Optics of a New TOF Mass Spectrometer in the Third Order Approximation: T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, 258 (1987), 327-330
  3. 後段加速を用いた正、負両イオン用高感度検出器: T. Ichihara and I. Katakuse, Mass Soectrosc., 35 (1987), 216-220
  4. Experimental Study on a Precession-Free Rotor Suspended by Magnets: Y. Kitano, T. Ohyama, T. Matsuo and S. Sasaki, J. Appl. Phys., 61 (1987), 822-826
  5. Neonatal Screening and Mass-Spectrometric Analysis of Hemoglobin Variant in Japan: A. Hayashi, Y. Wada, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, Acta Haemat., 78 (1987), 114-118
  6. Structure and Function of a New Hemoglobin Variant, Hb Meilahti (α2β236(C2)Pro→Thr), Characterized by Mass Spectrometry: Y. Wada, E. Ikkala, K. Imai, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, M. Lehtinen, A. Hayashi and H. Lehmann., Acta Haematologica, 78 (1987), 109-113
  7. Development of Mass Spectrometry for Heavy Molecules : T. Matsuo, Proc. of Second Japan-China Joint Symposium on Mass Spectrometry. Takarazuka Japan, non (1987), 265-268
  8. SIMS Experiment on Metal Cluster Ions,: I. Katakuse, Microclusters (Springer-Verlag), Ed. S. Sugano, Y. Nishina and S. Ohnishi, non (1987), 10-16


  1. A New Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer: T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai, Y. Fujita, I. Katakuse, H. Matsuda and K. Miseki, Advances in Mass Spectrometry (J.F.J. Todd, Ed.), 10B (1986), 921
  2. Structural Analysis of Biopolymer (Protein) by Mass Spectrometry: 松尾武清, Journal of Chemical Society of Japan, 11 (1986), 1671-1682
  3. Size Distribution of Cluster Ions, (Bi)n+, (Pb)n+ and (Mo)n+ Produced by Xe Ion Bombardment: I. Kakakuse, T. Ichihara, Y. Fujita, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 34 (1986), 21-25
  4. Particle Flight Times in a Toroidal Condenser and an Electric Quadrupole Lens in the Third-Order Approximation: T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 68 (1986), 127-154
  5. Correlation between Mass Distributions of Zinc,Cadmium Clusters and Electronic Shell Structure: I. Kakakuse, T. Ichihara, Y. Fujita, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 69 (1986), 109-114
  6. Simultaneous Ion Detection in a Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer with Specially Shaped Magnetic Pole Faces: C.E.D. Ouwerkerk, A.J.H. Boerboom, T. Matsuo and H. Sakurai, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 70 (1986), 79-96
  7. Mass Distributions of Negative Cluster Ions of Copper, Silver and Gold: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, Y. Fujita, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Processes, 74 (1986), 33-41
  8. Mass Spectrometric Detection of the Plasma Prealbumin (transthyretin) Variant Associated with Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy: Y. wada, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse, T. Suzuki, T. Azuma, S. Tsujino, S. Kishimoto, H. Matsuda and A. Hayashi, Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 873 (1986), 316-319
  9. Characterization of Oligoribonucleotides up to 24mer (M/Z) 13726 by Sectoer Type Mass Spectrometer: T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai, H. Matsuda, M. Matsugi, M. Ikehara, T. Kobayashi, Y. Kammei and E. Kubota, 34th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics Cincinnati U.S.A., non (1986), non
  10. A New Ion-Detection System with Unfiform Mass Distribution and Flat Image Plane: Z.H. Hu, H.N. Chen, A.J.H. boerboon and H. Matsuda, Advances in Mass Spectrometry (J.F.J. Todd, Ed.), 10B (1986), 835-836
  11. A Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer for High Molecular Weights with Simultaneous Ion Detection: C.E.D. ouwerkerk, A.J.H. Boerboon and T. Matsuo, Advances in Mass Spectrometry (J.F.J. Todd, Ed.), 10B (1986), 841-842
  12. High-Resolution High-Transmission Mass Spectrometers: H. Matsuda and T. Matsuo, Advances in Mass Spectrometry (J.F.J. Todd, Ed.), 10B (1986), 931-932
  13. Cluster Ion Mass Distribution of Copper, Silver and Gold: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Advances in Mass Spectrometry (J.F.J. Todd, Ed.), 10B (1986), 1073-1074
  14. The Combined Ues of Glycinamidation and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry for the Assignment of Amides in Protein: Y. Wada, A. Hayashi, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, Advances in Mass Spectrometry (J.F.J. Todd, Ed.), 10B (1986), 1493-1494
  15. Study on the 208Pb( , 6He)206Pb Reaction at E = 109 MeV: T. Kurihara, S. Kubono, N. Sekiguchi, M.H. Tanaka, M. Sakai, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara and E. Gerlic, Nuclear Physics, A457 (1986), 45-60
  16. An Ultra Low Background Beta-Gamma Spectrometer: N. Kamikubota, H. Ejiri, T. Shibata, Y. Nagai, K. Okada, T. Watanabe, T. Irie, Y. Itoh, T. Nakamura and N. Takahashi, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Reserach, A245 (1986), 379-392
  17. Polarization of 12B Produced in 14N-Induced Reactions: K.H. Tanaka, Y. Nojiri, T. Minamishono, K. Asahi and N. Takahashi, Physical Review C, 34 (1986), 580-593
  18. Limits on Neutrinoless Decays of the 76Ge 0+ 0+ and 0+ 2+ Transitions by the Coincidence Method: H. Ejiri, N. Takahashi, t. Shibata, Y. Nagai, K. Okada, N. Kamikubotoa, T. Watanabe, T. Irie, Y. Itoh and T. Nakamura, Nuclear Physics, A448 (1986), 271-279
  19. Projectile-Breakup Process in 20Ne + 40Ca Reactions at 92, 149 and 213 MeV: T. Shimoda, K. Katori, T. Fukuda, H. Ogata, S. Shimoura, M. Tanaka and E. Takada, Journal of the Phsical Society of Japan, 55 (1986), 3021-3030
  20. Various Intermadiate Channels in the 12C + 12C 12Cg.s. + + 8Beg.s. Reaction: S. Shimoura, A. Sakaguchi, T. Shimoda, T. Fukuda, K. Ogura, K. Katori and H. Ogata, Nuclear Physics, A452 (1986), 123-149


  1. A Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer for High Molecular Weights with Simultaneous Ion Detection: C. E. D. Ouwerkerk, A. J. H. Boerboom and T. Matsuo, Adv. in Mass Spectrom., 10B (1985), 841-842
  2. A New Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer: T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai, Y. Fujita, I. Katakuse, H. Matsuda and K. Miseki, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 10B (1985), 921-922
  3. Cluster Ion Mass Distribution of Copper,Silber and Gold: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Adv. in Mass Spectrom., 10B (1985), 1073-1074
  4. High-Resolution High-Transmission Mass Spectrometers: H. Matsuda and T. Matsuo, Adv. in Mass Spectrom., 10B (1985), 931-932
  5. The Combined Use of Glycinamidation and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry for the Assignment of Amides in Protein: Y. Wada, A. Hayashi, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, Adv. in Mass Spectrom., 10B (1985), 1493-1494
  6. Application of Glycinamidation to the Peptide Mapping using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Y. Wada, A. Hayashi, I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 12 (1985), 122-126
  7. Computer Program “BEIS” for Estimation of Beam Envelope and Image Shape of an Ion Optical System: T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai, H. Matsuda and H. Nakabushi, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 33 (1985), 261-270
  8. Fast Atom Bombardment Linked-Field Scanning Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Peptides: D.M. Desiderio and I. Katakuse, Mass Spectroscopy, 33 (1985), 351-370
  9. Post Acceleration for Heavy Molecule Ion Detector: I. Katakuse, H. Nakabushi, T. Ichihara, Y. Fujita, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 33 (1985), 145-147
  10. Size Distribution of Cluster Ions, (Bi)n+, (Pb)n+ and (Mo)n+ Produced by Xe Ion Bombardment: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, Y. Fujita, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy, 34 (1985), 21-25
  11. Effect of Cubic-Curve Boundaries on Ion-Optical Properties of Magnetic Sector Fields: H. Nakabushi, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 63 (1985), 83-99
  12. Ion Optics for Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometers with Multiple Symmetry: T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 63 (1985), 273-287
  13. Mass Distribution of Peptide Molecular Ions in the Secondary Ionization Process: Y. Fujita, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai, H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 63 (1985), 231-240
  14. The Use of an Electric Quadrupole as a Field Lens in a Double-Focusing Mass Spectrometer: C. E. D. Ouwerkerk, A. J. H. Boerboom, T. Matsuo and T. Sakurai, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 65 (1985), 23-29
  15. Mass Distributions of Copper,Silver and Gold Clusters and Electronic Shell Structure: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, Y. Fujita, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 67 (1985), 229-236
  16. Assignment of Amides in the Amino Acid Sequence of Mammalian Calmodulin by Mass Spectrometry: Y. Wada, K. Sobue, K. Morimoto, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse, S. Kakiuchi H. Matsuda and A. Hayashi, Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 832 (1985), 383-386
  17. A New Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer: T. Sakurai, Y. Fujita, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 66 (1985), 283-290
  18. High-Resolution High-Transmission Mass Spectrometer: H. Matsuda, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 66 (1985), 209-215
  19. Instruments and Methods of Mass Spectrometry: H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 33 (1985), 1-15
  20. A High-Resolution Mass spectrometer with Small Magnet: M. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 33 (1985), 115-122
  21. High Resolution Mass Spectrometer: H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 33 (1985), 227-234
  22. High-Resolution Study of 49Cr Through the (p,d) Reaction: Y. Fujita, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama, M. Fujiwara, T. Yamazaki, H. Ikegami, H. Taketani, M. Adachi, T. Matsuzaki, M. Matoba and N. Koori, Nuclear Physics, A435 (1985), 7-33
  23. Fragmentation of the Low-Energy Octupole Resonance in 48Ca, 90Zr, and 208Pb: Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama, T. Yamazaki, T. Itahashi, H. Ikegami and S.I. Hayakawa, Physical review C, 32 (1985), 425-430
  24. Inelastic Proton Scattering to the 3 and 1+ States in 50Ti, 52Cr, and 54Fe: M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita, S. Imanishi, S. Morinobu, T. Yamazaki, H. Ikegami, K. Katori and S.I. Hayakawa, Physical Review C, 32 (1985), 830-848
  25. Polarization in Heavy-Ion Reactions: N. Takahashi, Hyperfine Interactions, 21 (1985), 173-196
  26. Measurements of Interacton Cross Sections and Radii of He Isotopes: I. Tanihata, H. Hamagaki, O. Hashimoto, S. Nagamiya, Y. Shida, N. Yoshikawa, O. Yamakawa, K. Sugimoto, T. Kobayashi, D.E. Greiner, N. Takahashi and Y. Nojiri, Physics Letters, 160B (1985), 380-384
  27. Polarization Phenomena in Heavy-Ion Reactions: K. Sugimoto, M. Ishihara and N. Takahashi, Treatise on Heavy-Ion Science, 3 (1985), 397-536
  28. Measurements of Interaction Cross Sectons and Nuclear Radii in the Light p-Shell Region: I. Tanihata, H. Hamagaki, O. Hashimoto, Y. Shida, N. Yoshikawa, K. Sugimoto, O. Yamakawa, T. Kobayashi and N. Takahashi, Physical Review Letters, 55 (1985), 2676-2679
  29. 誘導読出し型焦点面検出器と今後: 藤田佳孝,永山啓一, 原子核研究, 29 (1985), 21-27
  30. Design of a High-Dispersion Magnetic Spectrometer for EELS: K.Yoshida, K.Ura , H.Matsuda, Y.Fujita, M.Kubozoe, Optik, 71 (1985), 11-14


  1. Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry of Insulin, Insulin A-Chain, Insulin B-Chain, and Glucagon: D.M. Desiderio and I. Katakuse, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 11 (1984), 55-62
  2. PAAS 3, A Computer Program to Determine Probable Sequence of Peptides from Mass Spectrometric Data: T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 11 (1984), 396-399
  3. Secondary Ion Mass Spectra of Tryptic Peptides of Human Hemoglobin Chains: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, H. Nakabushi, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, Y. Wada and A. Hayashi, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 11 (1984), 386-391
  4. Fast Atom Bombardment-Collision Activated Dissociation-Linked Field Analysis and Field Desorption Measurement of Peptides with a Microprocessor-Controlled Mass Spectrometer: D.M. Desiderio, J. Laughter, I. Katakuse, M. Kai and J. Trimble, Comp. Enhanc. Spectros., 2 (1984), 21-32
  5. Computer-Aided Design of a New High-Performance Mass Spectrometer: T. Matsuo, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 23 (1984), 1518-1525
  6. Computer Program TRIO-FIT for Third Order Calculation of Ion Trajectory with Help of Automatic Fitting Function: T. Matsuo, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 32 (1984), 319-326
  7. Analysis of CsI and Peptide Mixture by Molecular SIMS: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, H. Nakabushi, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, SIMS IV (A. Beninghoven et al., Eds.), Springer Ser. Chem. Phys., 36 (1984), 409
  8. Generation and Detection of Cluster Ions [(CsI)nCs]+ Ranging up to m/z=90000: I. Katakuse, H. Nakabushi, T. Ichihara, T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Proc., 57 (1984), 239-242
  9. Metastable Decay of Cesium Iodide Cluster Ions: I. Katakuse, H. Nakabushi, T. Ichihara, T. Sakurai, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Processes, 62 (1984), 17-23
  10. Other Magic Gas Mixtures for Multiwire Proportional Chambers: N. Koori, S. Oda, K. Kawamura, M. Fujiwara, K. Nagayama ,N. Takeda, Y. Fujita, I. Katayama, S. Morinobu, T. Yamazaki and H. Ikegami, Nuclear Instruments Methods, 220 (1984), 453-456
  11. Double-Hole Analog States in Ni Isotopes: I. Katayama, S. Morinobu, M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita, T. Yamazaki and H. Ikegami, Physics Letters, 137B (1984), 150-154
  12. Spin Flip 1+ Strength in N=28 Isotones by Proton Inelastic Scattering at 65 MeV: M. Fujiwara, S. Imanishi, Y. Fujita, S. Morinobu, T. Yamazaki, K. Katori, S.I. Hayakawa and H. Ikegami, Spin Excitations in Nuclei, non (1984), 437-444
  13. Isoscalar Character of the 5.845 MeV 1+ State in 208Pb: M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita, I. Katayama, S. Morinobu, T. Yamazaki, H. Ikegami and S.I. Hayakawa, Journal de Physique, C4 (1984), 453-457
  14. The Qdmdq Magnetic Spectrograph “Raiden” (II) Correction of Kinematic Line Broadening: Y. Fujita, S. Morinobu, M. Fujiwara, I. Katayama, T. Yamazaki and H. Ikegami, Nuclear Instruments Methods, 225 (1984), 298-307
  15. High-Resolution High-Transmission Mass Spectrometer: H.Matsuda, Proc.AMCO-7,Darmstadt, pp667-671


  1. Improved PAAS, A Computer Program to Determine Possible Animo Acid Sequence of Peptides: T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai, H. Matsuda, H. Wollnik and I. Katakuse, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 10 (1983), 57-60
  2. Measurement of Leucine Enkephalin in Caudate Neucleus Tissues with Fast Atom Bombardment Collision Activated Dissociation Linked Field Scanning Mass Spectrometry: D. M. Desiderio, I. Katakuse and M. Kai, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 10 (1983), 426-437
  3. Fast Atom Bombardment-Collision Activated Dissociation- Linked Field Scanning Mass Spectrometry of the Neuropeptide Substance P: D.M. Desiderio and I. Katakuse, Anal Biochem., 129 (1983), 425-429
  4. 解説 ファ―スト・アトム・ボンバ―ドメント: 松尾武清, 分析〔日本分析化学会誌), 3 (1983), 166-175
  5. A Compact Primary Gun for Molecular SIMS: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, H. Nakabushi, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 31 (1983), 111-114
  6. Computer Program “FRIC” for the Calculation of Fringing Integrals of Arbitrary Field Distribution: Z. H. Hu, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Science Reports (Osaka Univ.), 32 (1983), 21-30
  7. 解説 高分子の質量分析: 松尾武清, 高分子, 32 (1983), 418-419
  8. Field desorption, Fast Atom Bombardment-Collisional Activation Mass Spectrometry with Accumulated Linked Scan Technique for Peptide Sequence Elucidation: T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, S. Aimoto, Y. Shimonishi, T. Higuchi and Y. Maruyama, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Phys., 46 (1983), 423-426
  9. Structural Analysis of Human Hemoglobin Variants by Mass Spctrometry: Y. Wada, A. Hayashi, T. Fujita, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Phys., 48 (1983), 209-212
  10. Relativistic Ion Optics of Crossed Toroidal Electric and Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields: H. Nakabushi, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Int, J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 49 (1983), 89
  11. Flight Time of Relativistically Fast Particles in Crossed Toroidal Electric and Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields: H. Nakabushi and T. Sakurai, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 50 (1983), 275-286
  12. Unified Theory of Ion Optics: H. Nakabushi, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 52 (1983), 319-336
  13. Positive and Negative Fast Atom Bombardment Collision Activated Dissociation Linked Field Scanned Mass Spectra of Leucine Enkephalin: I. Katakuse and D.M. Desiderio, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Process., 54 (1983), 1-15
  14. Characterization of a New Fetal Hemoglobin Variant, Hb-F Izumi Aγ6 Glu-Gly, by Molecular Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: Y. Wada, A. Hayashi, M. Fujimura, I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, H. Nakabushi, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 749 (1983), 244-248
  15. Analysis of CSI and Peptide Mixture by Molecular SIMS: I. Katakuse, T. Ichihara, H. Nakabushi, T. Matsuo, T. Sakurai and H. Matsuda, Proc. of Forth Int.Conf. on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Osaka, non (1983), 409-411
  16. Peptide Mixture Analysis by Molecular Ion Mass Spectrometry: T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, 31th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics Boston U.S.A., non (1983), 638-639
  17. High-Resolution High-Sensitivity Mass Spectrometers: H. Matsuda, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 2 (1983), 299-325
  18. Hexadecapole Component in the Glant Quadrupole Resonance Region of 208Pb: T. Yamagata, S. Kishimoto, K. Iwamoto, K. Yuasa, M. Tanaka, S. Nakayama, T. Fukuda, M. Inoue, M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita, I. Miura and H. Ogata, Physics Letters, 123B (1983), 169-172
  19. 27Al(p, )28Si and 27Al(3He,d)28Si to the Stretched 11.58 MeV (6-,0) and 14.36 MeV (6-,1) Levels: K.A. Snover, G. Feldmann, M.M. Hindi, E. Kuhlmann, M.N. Harakeh, M. Sasao, M. Noumachi, Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara and K. Hosono, Physical Review C, 27 (1983), 493-505
  20. M1 States in 58Ni Observed by Proton Inelastic Scattering at 65 MeV: M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita, I. Katayama, S. Morinobu, T. Yamazaki, H. Ikegami, S.I. Hayakawa and K. Katori, Nuclear Physics, A410 (1983), 137-146
  21. Two-Dimensional Focal Plane Counter with Induction Readout: Y. Fujita, K. Nagayama, M. Fujiwara, S. Morinobu, T. Yamazaki and H. Ikegami, Nuclear Instruments Methods, 217 (1983), 441-448
  22. Unnatural Parity States Studied in High Resolution (p,p’) Experiments at 65 MeV and the Effective Nucleon – Nucleon Interaction: M. Fujiwara, S. Imanishi, Y. Fujita, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama ,T. Yamazaki, T. Itahashi, H. Ikegami, K. Katori and S.I. Hayakawa, 1983 RCNP International Symposium on Light Ion Reaction Mechanism, non (1983), 134-152
  23. Energy Dependence of Analyzing Powers for the Isoscalar and Isovector Transitions in (p,p’) Reaction: K. Hosono, N. Matsuoka, K. Hatanaka, M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita, T. Saito, T. Noro, M. Kondo, S. Kato, K. Okada, K. Ogino, Y. Kadota and S. Matsuki, 1983 RCNP International Symposium on Light Ion Reaction Mechanism, non (1983), 246-249
  24. The Distribution of the Low-Energy Octupole Strength in 48Ca, 90Zr and 208Pb: Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama, T. Yamazaki, T. Itahashi, S.I. Hayakawa and H. Ikegami, 1983 RCNP International Symposium on Light Ion Reaction Mechanism, non (1983), 275-279
  25. Hexadecapole Component in Giant Quadrupole Resonance Region of 208Pb: T. Yamagata, S. Kishimoto, K. Iwamoto, K. Yuasa, M. Tanaka, S. Nakayama, T. Fukuda, M. Inoue, M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita, I. Miura and H. Ogata, 1983 RCNP International Symposium on Light Ion Reaction Mechanism, non (1983), 289-293
  26. M1 States in N=28 Isotones and 58Ni Observed by 65 MeV Proton Inelastic Scattering: M. Fujiwara, Y. Fujita, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama, T. Yamazaki, H. Ikegami, K. Katori and S.I. Hayakawa, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Properties of Atomic Nuclei, non (1983), 273-277
  27. High Resolution Study of the Strength Distributions in the Leor Region: Y. Fujita, M. Fujiwara, S. Morinobu, I. Katayama, T. Yamazaki, T. Itahashi, S.I. Hayakawa and H. Ikegami, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Properties of Atomic Nuclei, non (1983), 458-464
  28. Unified Theory of Ion Optics Ⅱ. The Influence of Fringing Fields and Boundary Shapes of Unified Fields on Particle Trajectories: H. Nakabushi, T. Sakurai, H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc., 55 (1983), 291-306
  29. Structural Analysis of Human Hemoglobin Variants by Mass Spectrometry: Y. Wada, A. Hayashi, T. Fujita, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse, H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc., 48 (1983), 209-212
  30. パソコン用質量分析計軌道計算プログラム: 松田久, 質量分析, 31 (1983), 231−239


  1. Cyclic (1→2)-β-d-Glucan and the Octasaccharide Repeating-unit of Succinoglycan Produced by Agrobacterium : M. Hisamatsu, A. Amemura, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda and T. Harada, J. General Microbiology, 128 (1982), 1873-1879
  2. A Third Order Transfer Matrix of a Magnetic Multipole Lens: H. Nakabushi and T. Matsuo, Nucl. Instr. and Method., 198 (1982), 207-212
  3. FDMS用シリコンエミッター製造装置: W. Zhiru, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy, 30 (1982), 71-79
  4. Field Desoption Mass Spectra of Digested Peptide Mixtures of Duck Egg White Lysozyme: I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Mass Sprctroscopy (Japan), 30 (1982), 81-89
  5. Field Desorption Mass Spectra of Human Hemoglobin β Chain Digested by Thermolysin and Staphyococcal Protease: T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, I. Katakuse, Y. Wada and A. Hayashi, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 30 (1982), 257-263
  6. Numerical Calculation of Fringing Field Integrals for Arbitrary Electrode (Magnetic Pole) Structures: Z.H. Hu, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Phys., 42 (1982), 145-155
  7. Particle Flight Times through Electrostatic and Magnetic Sector Fields and Quadrupoles to Second Order: H. Matsuda, T. Matsuo, D. Ioanoviciu, H. Wollnik and V. Rabbel, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Phys., 42 (1982), 157-168
  8. Third Order Ion Optics of an Electrostatic Multipole Lens: T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, H. Nakabushi, Y. Fujita and A.J.H. Boerboom, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Phys., 42 (1982), 217-241
  9. Analysis of Molecular Species of Phospholipids by Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: J. Sugatani, M. Kino, K. Saito, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 9 (1982), 293-301
  10. Sequence Determination of a Peptide with 55 Amino Acid Residures by Edman Degradation and Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, Y. Shimonishi, Y-M. Hong and Y. Izumi, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 9 (1982), 64-68
  11. マススペクトルによるペプチドの構造解析: 松田久, 化学と生物, 20 (1982), 242-250
  12. イオンビ-ム収束の最近の進歩: 松田久, 応用物理, 51 (1982), 1034-1039
  13. 高分子量質量分析の進歩: 松田久, 科学, 52 (1982), 772-778
  14. Qレンズと一様磁場を組合せた単収束質量分析計: Z.H. Hu and H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 30 (1982), 31-35
  15. 斜入出射単収束質量分析計: W. Zhiru and H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 30 (1982), 129-135


  1. Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: T. Matsuo, Y. Itagaki and I. Katakuse, Mass Spectroscopy, 29 (1981), 1-37
  2. A Q-Value for Energy-Focused, Time-of-Flight Spectrometers: H. Wollnik and T. Matsuo, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 37 (1981), 209-225
  3. Application of Matrix Calculation.II. Mass Scaling of CAD Fragment Spectra: G.J. Louter, M.M. Lens and T. Matsuo, Int. J. Mass Spectrom and Ion Phys., 40 (1981), 341-349
  4. Field Desorption-Collisional Activation Mass Spectrometry with Accumulated Linked-Scan Technique for Peptide Structure Elucidation: T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, I. Katakuse, Y. Shimonishi, Y. Maruyama, T. Higuchi and E. Kubota, Anal. Chem., 53 (1981), 416-421
  5. Structural Analysis of Human Hemoglobin Variants With Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: Y. Wada, A. Hayashi, T. Fujita, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 667 (1981), 233-241
  6. Computer Program “PAAS” for the Estimation of Possible Animo Acid Sequence of Peptides: T. Matsuo, H., Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 8 (1981), 137-143
  7. Field Desorption Mass Spectra of Tryptic Peptides of Human Hemoglobin Chains: T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, I. Katakuse, Y. Wada, T. Fujita and A Hayashi, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 8 (1981), 25-30
  8. A Computer-Aided Sequence Detrmination of a Polypeptide from the Masses and Edman-Degradation of Its Constituent Peptide Fragments: Y. Shimonishi, Y-M. Hong, T. Kitagaki, I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, S. Hara, T. Ikenaka and Y. Izumi, Chem. Lett., 10 (1981), 499-502
  9. Sequencing of Peptide Mixtures by Edman Degradation and Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: Y. Shimonishi, Y.M. Hong, T. Kitagishi, I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, S. Hara, T. Ikenaka and Y. Izumi, FEBS Lett., non (1981), 499-508
  10. Mass Spectrometers of High Transmission and High Resolving Power: H. Matsuda, Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 187 (1981), 127-136
  11. 一様磁場を用いる単収束質量分析計のイオン光学: 松田久, 質量分析, 29 (1981),161-166
  12. First Order Transfer Matrices for Relativistically Fast Particles in Magnetic and Electni Sector Fields and Quadmpoles: H.Wollinik, H.Matsuda, Nucl. Instr. Meth., 189 (1981), 361-364
  13. A New Method for Carboxyl-Terminal Sequence Analysis of a Peptide Using Carboxypeptidases and Field-desorption Mass Spectrometry: Y. Shimonishi, Y-H. Hong, T. Takao, S. Aimoto, H. Matsuda, Y. Izumi, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B, 57 (1981), 304-308
  14. High-Resolution High-Sensitivity Mass Spectrometer for Heavy Molecule Analysis: H.Matsuda, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 20 (1981), L825-828


  1. Sequencing of Peptide Mixture by Edman Degradation and Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: Y. Shimonishi, Y-M. Hong, T. Kitagishi, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Eur. J. Biochem., 112 (1980), 251-264
  2. A Target Ion Source for On-line Mass Separator: H. Nakabushi, I. Katakuse, K. Miseki, N. Takahashi and H. Matsuda, Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 178 (1980), 299-303
  3. A New Method for the Sequence Determination of a Peptide Mixture through Molecular Weight Measurements by Mass Spectrometry: T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse, H. Matsuda, Y. Shimonishi, Y-M. Hong and Y. Izumi, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 28 (1980), 169-174
  4. Mass Spectrometry of High Molecular Materials: H. Matsuda, T. Matsuo and I. Katakuse, Applied Physics (JPN), 49 (1980), 496-504
  5. 技術ノ―ト 半導体を用いた質量分析用エミツタ―: 松尾武清, 応用物理, 49 (1980), 477-478
  6. 高分子量物質の質量分析: 松田久,松尾武清,交久瀬五雄, 応用物理, 49 (1980), 496-504
  7. New Silicon Emitter for Field Ionization and Desorption Mass Spectrometry: T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Adv. in Mass Spectrom., 8 (1980), 990-996
  8. 高性能質量分析計の新しいイオン光学系: 松田久, 質量分析, 28 (1980), 211-215
  9. An Accelerating Voltage Scanning Mass Spectrometer: T. Takada, S. Shibata, H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy, 28 (1980), 217-226
  10. FDマススペクトルとペプチドのアミノ酸配列: 松田久, 医用マス研究会講演集, 第5巻 (1980), 51-62


  1. Multiply Charged Ions in Field Desorption Mass Spectra of Peptides Containing Basic Amino Acids: I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo, H. Wollnik and H. Matsuda, Org. Mass Spectrom., 14 (1979), 457-458
  2. Addition of Flight Time Calculation to Computer Program TRIO: H. Wollnik and T. Matsuo, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 27 (1979), 131-134
  3. Pretreatment of Silicon Emitter for the Enhancement of Ionization Efficiency in Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda, Y. Shimonishi and Y. Izumi, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 27 (1979), 127-130
  4. The Use of a Si-whisker Field Desorption Ion Source for the Investigation of Isotope Abundance Ratio of Cu, Sn, Ag, Te, Cd and Sb: I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo, H. Wollnik and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. and Ion Phys., 32 (1979), 87-91
  5. FD-MS によるアミノ酸配列の決定法について: 交久瀬五雄,松尾武清,松 田久,洪栄満,下西康嗣, Med. Mass Spectrometry, 4 (1979), 193-198
  6. An On-line Mass Separator for Investigation of Short-lived Nuclei: H. Nakabushi, N. Takahashi, T. Matsuo I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, IONICS, 47 (1979), 23-26
  7. A Target Ion Source Incorporating Charge Exchange in Plasma: N. Takahashi, H. Nakabushi, K. Miseki, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, IONICS, 48 (1979), 18-20
  8. Silicon Emitter for Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: T. Matsuo H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Anal. Chem., 51 (1979), 69-72
  9. Use of Field Desorption Mass spectra of Polystylene and Poly-propylene Glycol as Mass References up to Mass 10000: T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Anal. Chem., 51 (1979), 1329-1331
  10. A Field Desorption Ion Source Using Silicon Emitter: I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, IONICS, 10月号 (1979), 32-36
  11. A New Method for Determining Amino Acid Sequences of Polypeptide by Edman-Degradation and FD Mass Spectrometry: Y. M. Hong, Y. Shimonishi, T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda and I. Katakuse, Peptide Chemistry, (1979), 47-52
  12. A New Method for the Sequence Determination of Peptide Mixtures by Edman-Degradation and Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: Y. Shimonishi, Y-M. Hong, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, Chem. Lett., (1979), 1369-1372
  13. A Target Ion Source System Incorporating Charge Exchange in Plasma: N. Takahashi, H. Nakabushi T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, Proc. of Third Symposium on Ion Sources and Application Technology, non (1979), 169-172
  14. On-line Mass Separator for Investigation of Short-lived Nuclei: H. Nakabushi, N. Takahashi, T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse and H. Matsuda, Proc. of Third Symposium on Ion Sources and Application Technology, non (1979), 173-176


  1. Development of Amorphous Silicon Whisker for Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry: T. Matsuo, I. Katakuse, Y. Tatsumi, M. Hirata and H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 26 (1978), 205-208
  2. A New Target Ion Source System for Investigation of Short-lived Nuclei: N. Takahashi, T. Matsuo, K. Miseki and H. Matsuda, Inst. Phys. Conf., 38 (1978), 44-49
  3. Constant Accelerating Voltage Electui-Field Scanning Mass Spectrometer: M. Naito, Y. Naito, M. Takeuchi, H. Matsuda, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, Vol.7B (1978), 846-850
  4. Application of Quadrupole Lenses to Mass Spectrometers: T. Matsuo, N. Takahashi, H. Matsuda, A. J. H. Boerboom, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, Vol.7B (1978), 851-854
  5. A Stigmatic, second-Order, Double-Focusing Mass Spectrometer: S. Taya, H. Tsuyama, I. Kanomata, T. Noda, H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion. Phys., 26 (1978),77-90
  6. A Simple Double-Focusing Mass Spectrometer: S. Taya, I. Kanomata, H. Hirose, T. Noda, H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 26 (1978), 237-250
  7. A Trinple Focusing Mass Separator: S. Taya, K. Tokiguchi, I. Kanomata, H. Matsuda, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.,150 (1978),165-171
  8. Second-Order Image Aberration Correction of Double-Focusing mass Spectrometers by Electrostatic Hexapole Lens: S. Taya, H. Hirose, H. Tsuyama, H. Matsuda, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.,152 (1978), 407-414
  9. 残留ガス分析用小型質量分析計: 松田久, 質量分析, 26 (1978), 287−299


  1. General Method for the Calculation of Particle Trajectories in Any Sector Field in a Third Order Approximation: Y. Fujita, H. Matsuda and T. Matsuo, Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 144 (1977), 279-291
  2. A New Method of Producing an Electric Quadrupole Field: H. Matsuda and T. Matsuo, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 24 (1977), 107-118
  3. Influence of Imperfect Alignment of Median Planes on Focusing Properties: H. Matsuda, T. Matsuo and N. Takahashi, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 25 (1977), 229-236
  4. Low Energy Ion Source with High Efficiency: I. Katakuse, T. Matsuo, H. Nakabushi and H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 25 (1977), 211-215
  5. A Portable Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer: S. Taya, S. Okudaira, I. Kanomato, T. Noda, H. Matsuda, Mass Spectroscopy(Japan), 25 (1977),141-152


  1. Ion Orbits in Quadrupole Lenses: A.J.H. Boerboom, H. Matsuda and T. Matsuo, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 22 (1976), 273-282
  2. Computer Program “TRIO” for Third Order Calculation of Ion Trajectory: T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda and H. Wollnik, Mass Spectroscopy (Japan), 24 (1976), 19-61
  3. Ein in Zweiter Naherung Bildfehlefreies Energiefilter fur Electronenmikroskope: H. Wollnik, T. Matsuo and E. Kasseckert, Optik, 45 (1976), 395-410
  4. On a Two Stage Double Focusing Mass Spectroscope under Construction at Osaka University: K. Ogata, H. Nakabushi and I. Katakuse, Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants, 5 (1976), 192-198
  5. Application of Quadrupole Lenses to Mass Spectrometers: T. Matsuo, N. Takahashi, H. Matsuda and A.J.H. Boerboom, Adv. in Mass Spectrom., 7 (1976), 851-854
  6. Electric Field in Cylider Condensers of Finite Length: H. Matsuda, International journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics, 22 (1976), 95-102
  7. 最近のイオン光学と質量分析装置: H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 24 (1976), 199-224
  8. Double Focusing Mass Spectrometers of Second Order: H. Matsuda, Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants, 5 (1976), 185-191


  1. Particle Trajectries in a Cylindrical Condenser Calculated in a Third Order Approximation: T. Matsuo, Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 126 (1975), 273-279
  2. The All Electric Adjustment of a Double Focusig Mass Spectrometer: T. Matsuo and H. Wollnik, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 18 (1975), 205-214
  3. Present Status of the Two Stage Double Focussing Mass Spectroscope at Osaka University: I. Katakuse, H. Nakabushi and K. Ogata, Mass Spectroscopy, 23 (1975), 247-269
  4. Ion Optics of Parallel Plane Condensers: H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 18 (1975), 367-377
  5. Third-Order Transfer Matrices for an Electrostatic Quadrupole Lens: Y. Fujuta and H. Matsuda, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 123 (1975), 495-504
  6. Potential Distribution in a Cylindrical Condenser Terminated by Matsuda Plates: H. Matsuda and Y. Fujita, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics, 16 (1975), 395-404
  7. 簡単な二重収束質量分析計: H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 23 (1975), 1-7


  1. He-Jet Transport System: E. Georg, W. Jung, T. Matsuo, G. Robig, W. Weitzel, H.G. Wilhelm and H. Wollnik, GSI Report, J2 (1974), 70
  2. Double Focusing Mass Spectrometers of Second Order: H. Matsuda: International jounal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics, 14 (1974), 219-233
  3. Advanced Virtual Image Double Focussing Mass Spectrometer: H. Matsuda, M. Naito and M. Takeuchi, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 6 (1974), 407-412


  1. 重畳場を利用した質量分析計: H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 21 (1973), 271-275
  2. 二重収束質量分析器の2次収差: H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 21 (1973), 15-25


  1. The Electrostatic Potential in a Toroidal Condenser: H. Wollnik, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 102 (1972), 13-17
  2. Particle Trajectories in a Toroidal Condenser Calculated in a Third Order Approximation: T. Matsuo, H. Matsuda and H. Wollnik, Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 103 (1972), 515-532
  3. Atomic Masses of Mass Substandard, H, D, 35Cl and 37Cl and of 14N, 16O: I. Katakuse, Mass Spectroscopy, 20 (1972), 255-279
  4. Image Aberations of Double Focusing Mass Spectrometers: H. Matsuda and T. Matsuo, Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants, 4 (1972), 192-200
  5. Recent Determination of the Atomic Masses of H, D, 35Cl and 37Cl at Osaka University: I. Katakuse and K. Ogata, Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants, 4 (1972), 153-163
  6. Third Order Transfer Matrices for the Fringing field of Magnetic and Electrostatic Quadrapole Lenses: H. Matsuda and H. Wollnik, Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 103 (1972), 117-124
  7. Possibility of Measuring Atomic Masses of Nuclides far from Beta Stability: H. Matsuda, 原子核研究, 16 (1972), 521-528
  8. A Third-Order Transfer Matrix of an Electrostatic Hexapole Lens: S. Taya and H. Matsuda, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics, 9 (1972), 235-245
  9. Atomic mass measurements at Osaka university: K. Ogata, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics, 8 (1972), 365.


  1. Mass Differences of the Doublets Including C, H, D and 35Cl and Preliminary Mass Values of H, D and 35Cl: I. Katakuse, H. Nakabushi and K. Ogata, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 5 (1971), 10-13
  2. Influence of Fringing Fields on Image Aberrations of Double-Focusing Mass Spectrometers: H. Matsuda and T. Matsuo, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 6 (1971), 385-392
  3. Third Order Calculation of the Ion Trajectories in an Inhomo-geneous Magnetic Sector Field: T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys., 6 (1971), 361-383
  4. Third Order Transfer Matrices for the Fringing Fields of an Electrostatic Hexapole Lens: S. Taya and H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 19 (1971), 266-273
  5. Mass Spectrometers for Precise Mass Determinations: H. Matsuda, Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 5 (1971), 3-9
  6. The Influence of a Toroidal Electric Fringing Field on the Trajectories of Charged Particles in a Third Order Approximation: H. Matsuda, Nuclear Instruments Methods, 91 (1971), 637-647


  1. Preliminary Report on the Atomic Masses of H, D and 35Cl: I. Katakuse, H. Nakabushi and K. Ogata, Mass Spectroscopy, 18 (1970), 1276-1292
  2. Second Order Aberration Coefficients of Large Dispersion Mass Spectrometer: S. Fukumoto and T. Matsuo, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth., 83 (1970), 58-60
  3. The Mass Difference Measurements of (C2H4-CO), (C2H4-N2), (N2-CO) and (C2H4-C2D2) Doublets: H. Nakabushi, I. Katakuse and K. Ogata, Proc. Int. Conf. on Mass Spectroscopy Kyoto, non (1970), 482-489
  4. 質量分析法による原子質量の精密測定: 松田久, 日本物理学会誌, 25 (1970), 520-527
  5. Charged Particle Analyzer of Magnetic and Electrostatic Sector Type: H. Matsuda, 超高温研究, 7 (1970), 132-141
  6. The Influence of an Inhomogeneuos Magnetic Fringing Field on the Trajectories of Charged Particles in a Third Order Approximation: H. Matsuda and H. Wollnik, Nuclear Instrument Methods, 77 (1970), 40-54
  7. Thied Order Transfer Matrics of the Fringing Field of an Inhomogeneous Magnet: H. Matsuda and H. Wollnik, Nuclear Instrumant Methods, 77 (1970), 283-292
  8. Image Aberrations of Third Order for Manetic Sector Field: H. Matsuda and H. Wollnik, Recent Developments in Mass Spectroscopy, non (1970), 181-187
  9. New Ion Optical Systems for a High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer: H. Matsuda, S. Fukumoto, T. Matsuo, ibid., 175-180
  10. Masses of H,D,16O and 32S Determined with Large Dispersion Mass Spectrometer: H. Matsuda, S. Fukumoto, T. Mastuo, ibid., 477-481


  1. The Mass Difference Measurements of (12C21H412C16O), (12C21H414N2), (14N212C16O) and (12C21H412C22D2) Doublets: H. Nakabushi, I. Katakuse and K. Ogata, Mass Spectroscopy, 17 (1969), 705-731
  2. Masses of H, D, 16O and 32S Determined with Large Dispersion Mass Spectrometer: H. Matsuda, S. Fukumoto and T. Matsuo, Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Mass Spectrom. Kyoto, non (1969), 477-481
  3. New Ion Optical Systems for a High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer: H. Matsuda, S. Fukumoto and T. Matsuo, Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Mass Spectrom. Kyoto, non (1969), 175-180


  1. Present Status of the Reconstructed Large Mass Spectroscope: I. Katakuse, H. Nakabushi, T. Asano, S. Matsumoto and K. Ogata, Mass Spectroscopy, 16 (1968), 379-403
  2. 40Ca-40Ar Mass Difference Measurement by High Resolution Mass Spectrometer: S. Fukumoto, T. Matsuo and H. Matsuda, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 25 (1968), 946-950
  3. Atomic Masses of 1H, 16O and 32S: H. Matsuda and T. Matsuo, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 25 (1968), 950-952
  4. 発散電場を用いた質量分析器: H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 16 (1968), 30-36


  1. Design of the Two-Stage Double Focussing Mass Spectroscope: K. Ogata, S. Matsumoto, H. Nakabushi, H. Yasuda, and I. Katakuse, OULNS, 67-6 (1967), 1-38
  2. Present Status of Atomic Mass Determinations at Osaka University: H. Matsuda, S. Fukumoto and T. Matsuo, Proc. Third Intern. Conf. on Atomic Masses, Winnipeg, non (1967), 733-757
  3. Present Status of the Reconstruction of Large Mass Spectrograph : K. Ogata, S. Matsumoto, H. Nakabushi and I. Katakuse, Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclidic Masses, Univ. of Manitoba Press, non (1967), 748-757
  4. 国際質量分析会議について: 緒方 惟一, 質量分析, 15 (1967), 220-222.


  1. Improvement in Focusing of a Mass Spectrograph with Large Dispersion: H. Matsuda, S. Fukumoto, T. Matsuo and H. Nojiri, Z. Naturforschg., 21a (1966), 1304
  2. A New Mass Spectrograph with Very Large Dispersion: H. Matsuda, S. Fukumoto, Y. Kuroda, Z. Naturforschg., 21a (1966), 25-33
  3. 多段式高分解能質量分析器: H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 14 (1966), 78-81
  4. A Mass Spectrograph with Very Large Dispersion: H. Matsuda, S. Fukumoto, Y. Kuroda and M. Nojiri, Mass Spectr. and Allied Topics, non (1966), 356-360


  1. 講座:イオン光学(III): H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 12 (1965), 165-179
  2. 講座:イオン光学 (IV): H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 13 (1965), 59-70
  3. 講座:イオン光学 (V): H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 13 (1965), 124-134
  4. 太陽系元素の年令: 緒方 惟一, 質量分析, 13 (1965), 81-90.
  5. 有機分析用高分解能質量分析計: 津山 斉, 中嶋 康雄, 小池 武, 野田 保, 緒方 惟一, 質量分析, 13 (1965), 1-10.
  6. 130Teの二重ベーター崩壊半減期: 高岡 宣雄, 岡野 純, 緒方 惟一, 質量分析, 13 (1965), 195-210.


  1. 講座:イオン光学 (I): H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 12 (1964), 47-58
  2. 講座:イオン光学 (II): H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 12 (1964), 105-114
  3. 非収束場とそれを利用した質量分析器: H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 11 (1964), 127-140


  1. 像縮少装置: H. Matsuda, H. Nakabushi and K. Ogata, 質量分析, 11 (1963), 16-24


  1. Electrostatic Analyzer with Variable Focal Length: H. Matsuda, The Review of Scientific Instruments, 32 (1961), 850-852
  2. Electrostatic Analyzer with Variable Focal Length: H. Matsuda, 質量分析, 9 (1961), 8-14
  3. 原子量と原子質量の質量単位: 緒方 惟一, 質量分析, 9 (1961), 3-7.


  1. Mass Measurement Work at Osaka University: K. Ogata, H. Matsuda and S. Matsumoto, Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclidic Masses, Hamilton, non (1960), 474-488
  2. 微少イオン電流検出用二次電子増倍管の研究(III): 道島 正美, 岡野 純, 後藤 正之, 緒方 惟一, 質量分析,  16 (1960), 20-29.
  3. 阪大極微量試料用質量分析計(第一報): 岡野 純, 緒方 惟一, 中島 康雄, 森戸 望, 野田 保, 牧野 勇夫,質量分析, 15 (1960), 16-25.


  1. Nier型質量分析計の試作: 竹下功, 岡崎千里, 松田久, 質量分析, 11 (1958), 25-38
  2. 同位体稀釈法: 緒方 惟一, 質量分析, 11 (1958), 2-12.


  1. The Large Mass Spectrograph at Osaka University: K. Ogata and H. Matsuda, Nuclear Masses and their Determination, Pergamon Press, non (1957), 202-212


  1. Focusing Properties of a large Mass Spectrograph newly constructed at Osaka University: H. Matsuda, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 11 (1956), 183-191


  1. Preliminary Report on a large Mass Spectrograph newly constructed at Osaka University: K. Ogata and H. Matsuda, ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG, 10a (1955), 843-850
  2. 2重線質量差と原子質量との表II: 緒方 惟一, 質量分析, 1955巻5号 (1955), 60-66.
  3. 質量分析器による同位体分離の予備実験: 岡野 純, 諸方 惟一, 質量分析, 4号 (1955), 18-23.


  1. 最簡易マス・スペクトロメータ: 緒方惟一, 松田久, 質量分析, 2号 (1954), 30-40
  2. 大型質量分析器の建設経過: 緒方惟一, 松田久, 原子核研究,1 (1954), 61-86
  3. 二重線質量差と原子質量との表I: 緒方 惟一, 質量分析, 1954 巻 3 号, 46-51.


  1. Masses of Light Atoms: K. Ogata and H. Matsuda, Physical Review, 89 (1953), 27-32
  2. On the Substandards of Atomic Mass: K. Ogata, H. Matsuda, N.B.S.Circuler, 522 (1953), 59-66
  3. Atomic Mass of P31: K.Ogata, H.Matsuda, Phys.Rev., 89 (1953), 333-334
  4. 非線型増幅器の一つの試み: 松田久, 応用物理, 22 (1953),120-121
  5. 近年における質量分析の進歩: 緒方 惟一, 質量分析, 1 号 8-20.


  1. 高圧電源とその安定装置: 林実, 松田 久, 応用物理, 21 (1952), 309-311


  1. イオン電流の増幅: 松田久,緒方惟一, 同位元素とレーサー総合研究委員会, 中間報告 1(1951),57-67
  2. 954を使用させる微少電流測定装置について: 松田久, 緒方惟一, 応用物理, 20 (1951), 229-230
  3. The Mass-Differences C12(H1)4-O16,C12(H1)2-N14 and C12(H1)3-N15: K. Ogata, H. Matsuda, Phys.Rev., 83 (1951), 180-181


  1. Isotopic Weights of Medium Elements: K. Ogata, Phys. Rev., 75 (1949), 200.


  1. T. Okuda and K. Ogata, Proc. Phys.-Math. Soc. (Japan), 25(1943), 374.


  1. Isotopic Weights of Ni Isotopes by the Doublet Method: T. Okuda, K. Ogata, H. Kuroda, S. Shima, and S. Shindo, Phys. Rev., 59, 104 (1941)
  2. Isotopic Weights of Sulphur and Titanium: T. Okuda and K. Ogata, Phys. Rev., 60 (1941), 690.


  1. Isotopic weight of C12. (Discussion of work of Aston, Bainbridge and Mattauch): K. Ogata, Proc. Phys.-Math. Soc. (Japan), 22 (1940), 486-491.


  1. Preliminary report on the masses of C-12 and N-14: Asada, T, Okuda, T, Ogata, K, Yoshimoto, S, NATURE, 143 (1939), 797-797.

